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Question About Mycents

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I apologize if this is already mentioned somewhere, but I was wondering if the purchase of the web hosting via money earned from myCENTS is a one time fee or a monthly fee. If it is monthly, what happens if you don't have enough money at the end of a month. Please claify this.

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You have two payment options, monthly and yearly and so as long as you have the MyEarnings and keep earning MyCents then you be fine. Thats of course if you get the basic logic plan and thats is like a few dollars, but if you plan to get something bigger then you have make sure you earn enough MyCents to cover it. The best way to go for the much larger packages is to go yearly and by the time it comes to make the payment you should have plenty or close to it. As for missing a payment, it will go into suspension until you either get the payment in or it reaches the termination deadline, which I believe is 10 days after your site is suspended and then it gets terminated and deleted.

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