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Another Day In My Dinning Hall ( College Mess ) The Cruel Hands of Destiny

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It was yet another day in my mess. Today there were dogs waiting outside the mess because they knew the aroma of chicken pretty well...Dogs do have the olfactory lobes I thought. We went inside and saw the queue waiting to get their portion of the feast. As I was standing, waiting for my turn to come, I saw the mess boy (kid who was the age of a 7th or 8th grader I guess).He was carrying around jugs of water for everyone and running chores for the mess warden.Guys used to tap their jug hard on the table once if their jugs ran out of water which was the signal for the mess boys to get them filled. One such gang of students who were sitting around the table were making merry at the dining hall. One of them tapped the table hard with a jug...Thud! The mess boy immediately knew his job. He filled it and kept it at the corner of the table and went to collect the next jug. Without noticing this, one of the guys shouted at him furiously for not filling the jug (so he thought).The mess boy silently gestured that he had filled it. Only then did the guy and the whole gang realised that he had indeed filled it with water. The gang immediately burst into laughter at the guy who had shouted at him.I thought it was not a matter to laugh at. I felt sorry for the meek mess boy who was already facing an uphill task in life having lost his father. How must he have felt at some unknown person who had shouted at him so badly despite doing the works properly? I put myself in his shoes and 8 years rewinded I would have been crying or sobbing my heart out. I turned to look at the mess boy. He was "OK" with it i guess, he showed no signs of sadness as he continued his work. I asked God why He was allowing this to happen. Destiny? Fate? Call it what ever....I felt lots of questions go unanswered in life.The only thing that we can do is stop pondering about such things and brings happiness or at least a moment of joy in their faces. We should stop sympathising with people and get empathy into action. A smile is a curve that sets a lot of things straight. I have thought of asking the mess boy out to lunch. After all that?s what I can do at this time of life. What can you do to such people?

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