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My 1 Yr Old Powerbook G4 Can someone help me please.

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Hello all,Does anyone have mac or a PowerBook G4 and they can help me? because today about an hour ago I was on this websites forums and I clicked on one of the topics and all of the sudden my laptop got stuck and froze up. The hard drive was making some kind of small noise to. So I restart it and I take the battery out to reset it. It takes like 5-10 minutes to get to the login screen and I log into one of the accounts besides mine. It gets to the desktop part and tries to load all the application but it just sits there making the same small noise as before trying to load the desktop. It sits there for about 20 minutes and then I finaly decide to get my OS X CD and resetit again. But it still got stuck and wont do anything. This also doesnt make any sense to me because I have on had the computer for a year and its all screwed up. Does anyone know what did or could have happened. It would be a big help to me. I think the hard drive went but it doesn't make sense if its only a year old. :P

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I don't think I'll be able to help you, but just out of curiosity...aside from this little dilemma, how has the Powerbook served you thus far? I was considering getting one for college. I'll be majoring in architecture, whose heavy-duty programs require quite the capabilities. Would you recommend one to someone entering in this field? What do you like/dislike most about the Powerbook? And finally, do you think it was a worthwhile investment?P.S. - Sorry I'm of no help with your problems here. I guess my curiosity just got the best of me :P

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I love it except my family uses it way too much and it fell apart already. For you I would get the PowerBook G4 15' or the 17' depending on what you want. I have the fully loaded 12' and its awsome. I had to re-install the OS once a long time ago because I screwed up the passwords. The OS is extremely stable to. Plus if you were to buy one now you would get all the newest, neatest stuff. So the answer is yes, I would suggest it and I think its probably the best thing out there for that kinda stuff. :P

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