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Abraham Lincoln's 200th Birthday

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Today, we American's of the United States celebrate the 200th birthday of one of our greatest U.S. Presidents and most famous political icon, Abraham Lincoln. We remember what he has done, young or old, that help save a country not even 100 years old, he freed the slaves after nearly 3 centuries of slavery, and would set the standards of what it is to be a true leader and role model to a country still in its infancy. I would put him in the 10 top of great leaders of human history, such as the likes of Julius Caesar, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, George Washington, Ramses II, Napoleon. Like everyone, he struggled through life such as the loss of a child, bouts of depression, however, the strength this man pulled out has yet to match. Since Lincoln presidency other Presidents have been compared to him, such as FDR with the depression and World War II and even now President Obama has been compared to Lincoln, but I tell you this Obama you are no Lincoln even though you became the first African-American President of these United States. Even though President Obama made history, Lincoln changed history and brought a country back from its darkest hour.On a interesting note before creating this topic, I did some searching and that the last descendant of Abraham Lincoln passed away 24 years ago, his name, Robert Todd Lincoln Beckwith, the great-grandson of our most famous U.S. President that our nation has ever produce. So on this day, February 12, 2009 we celebrate the life of a man that would redefine American freedom that our fore father would define 89 years before his death. To you Mr. President we hope to take that very strength and continue the work you have done in order to us a better nation

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Saint_Michael, thanks for sharing this for us.In school we did in fact celebrate this 200th birthday. Abraham Lincoln was on school news, history class, and a presentation in our gym.My history teacher, however, also compared Lincoln to President Obama, and there were a lot of things I disagreed with her.

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