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How To Make An Income From Your Web Page. An easy way to get an idea, elabourate on it, and sell in relation...

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Everyone has ideas for the next million dollar website. This involves planning, programming time and upkeep.

However I believe I have come up with a simplier method for all to benefit from:


There are many websites out there that have referal type payment methods. Or more commonly known as Affiliate Programs. These are what we will concentrate on for the moment.


Firstly, pick any topic of interest. As I type this, Im listening to the TV. The producer asks the guest where she is from, she says "France". So we'll start with France. So we're going for an affiliate program and its based on France.


Now how can I make money from this. Well in the previous text I printed we have much to go on. The internet is a massive collection of information. The websites that make the money are ones that give the browser the information they are looking for. On the flip side, whats the point in having a great site if nobody knows that it is there.


I do remember an Affiliate Program I stumbled apon once before with massive potential. It was a Cruise Agency selling, yes you guessed it, Cruises! On browsing the site I noticed that most of the deals were between $300 and $500 per person (Some as dear as $1200 and even higher). So, lets double the average price here($400) for a couple ordering the cruise. So their total price is $800. The referal program paid an excellent 40%. So, as you can see for each purchase, you would make $320. Not bad if you got one purchase per week.


I here you say now, but nobody would pay that amount over the web, would they?

If you sell it to them they will, and here is how...


We picked France earlier, so lets go with that.


Now pick one of the cruises that are associated with France. And note ALL the destinations it stops off at.

With a cruise im guessing that when it docks at port you have a few hours to browse that town/city. So, do some research online on those places. Now I know Paris is not near the water, so this isnt an option. But lets use it as an example.


Your web page should turn into a publication on all of these points and a brief example could be...


A picture of the cruise ship, or a picture of one of its stops.

Followed by maby:


"Travel with the dolphins round the Bay of Biscay. Stop off at Paris where you can visit the Eiffel Tower, famous for blaa,blaa,blaa... Visit the Arc de Triomphe, a beautiful blaa,blaa,blaa. Or why not check out the Notre Dame de Paris, blaa, blaa, blaa..."


By the time you go through the whole cruise schedule, along with the on board facilities, and all the stops with a bit of Geography, you will have a web page with appealing interest.

Then you link your site to the Cruise Affiliate Program and move to your final stage, Advertisment.


Make friends with others online, so you can swop banners on your sites. If you have, lets say 5 of these type sites, thats not a bad circle to work with.

Why not try a comment section on the bottom of the page. You never know, people may notice errors on the site for you, they may have been on a similar cruise and loved it, or they might have bought off you and want to repay your efforts.


You can do this with anything. Lets say a certain style football boots. Find a famous player who wears them and go through his playing career highs and lows. Concentrate on goals he scored or maby his quick feet. Do some ressearch on new technologies for new fibers used in the boot.


Your best bet is to shop around yourself to find decent Affiliate Programs and then descide on a product they sell which would be easy for you to elabourate on. The world wide web is your oyster!



Meta tags are a great tool for search engines. As your experience grows in making these pages I advise you to look into being able to introdduce them into your pages.


Perhaps someone out there could explain them better then I could???


Best of luck folks...


P.S. Let me hear some feedback on this, whether you tried it out, or if you have something to add. :D

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