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Photoshop Tutorial A Space Odyssey

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Hi! I'd just like to teach you guys how to make a "Space" Scene in Photoshop 7 or CS. I"m not sure if it'll work on the older versions, but you can give it a shot. I hope this will be easy for you guys to understand. (I hope it's not too long B) )- whyme



---The Image Hoster that I'm using is kind of slow right now, so the images may take very long to load. :P


Tutorial: A Space Odyssey - By whyme



OK, to begin, you will need to create a new Photoshop Image (Duh B) )

I chose a 480 x 680 size, depending on how big you want your image to be.



Now, select the Paint Bucket Tool and fill the enitre canvas with black, if you don't know where to find it, see the screenshot below.

Posted Image



You should now have a big black thing. lol, anyways, here's where the fun starts.

Go to Filter >Render >Lens Flare and see the screenshot below, and set it to those values, depedning on how bright you want your "Giant Star" to be, you can move the values around and play around with the settings.

Posted Image



Now that you have the "Giant Star", it's time to add in the meteorites, click on the brush tool. Then click on the little pointing-down arrow thingy next to the brush. Then, click on the Triagnel pointing outward, with a circle around it, then a list will pop-up, select wet-media burshes. Then change the textbox withthe "px" thingy to 194px. Finnaly, you need to select the right brush, It's the one i've circled in red. If this is too complicated, look at the sreenshot below, (if it's still too complicated, please pm me.).

Posted Image


Now that you've selected it, move you mouse/cursor over to your image. you should see something like this:

Posted Image

That's your "meteor" brush, now, you can click it around everywhere, and it creates some what relaistic metoers, just rmeber not to DRAGGGG... the bursh. Just ~'click'~ :D


Now, you should have something like this:

Posted Image


*OPTIONAL* (It'll look better B) )


Your almost done! Now create a new layer, and call it "star2", and fill it with black. just like in the beginning. Then, Click, Filter > Noise > Add Noise, on there, a box will pop up, you should fill in the values as follows:



Distribution: Gaussian Monochromatic: Checked

Note: The more "Amount" you set, the more stars where will be


Now, you open your Layers Palate, and set your values to "Softlight" and Opacity @ 80% , like so below:

Posted Image


Why all this? - Now, this "star2" layer, will basically darken your image and add a blur, so it looks more realistic.


Finished! You should have something more or less like this:

Posted Image


I hope you enjoed this tutorial. More tutorials to come soon. If you have any questions or comments about this tutorai, please PM me.



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