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Plausible: Energy Is Created at least from my understanding of the Big Bang theory

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So i've been doing a lot of reading concerning arguments for the case of God—be it ontological, teleological or cosmological—and since Wikipedia tends to have arguments for both sides, that is where most of my reading has been. (I like viewing other people's arguments to see where mine could use some work and to see if theirs contain flaws.) I've done other research outside of Wikipedia concerning the beginning of time and space and the Big Bang theory, too. From my understanding of it, the Big Bang theory asserts or implies that there was literally nothing before it, as it is said that space and time came into existence at that very moment. Concerning cosmological arguments, i shall quote a certain statement found on Wikipedia:

It is argued that a challenge to the cosmological argument is the nature of time. The Big Bang theory states that it is the point in which all dimensions came into existence, the start of both space and time. Then, the question "What was there before the Universe?" makes no sense; the concept of "before" becomes meaningless when considering a situation without time, and thus the concepts of cause and effect so necessary to the cosmological argument no longer apply.

That brings up a dilemma: is energy created or not? Or, perhaps, how can something just be (i.e. not created but always existent) though time and space had a beginning? The conversion from nothing into something is known as creation. So either the Big Bang theory is automatically refuted, or energy can be created. If i am missing any detail concerning this, i'ma leave it up to the people at Xisto to point that out to me. But if all information here is correct, then which one is it: was energy created or not?

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