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Dynamic Content No Longer Allowed?

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I was wondering what has happened to Trap 17 hosting.

Now that I have my site back, and after re-parking my domain, the page URL keeps pointing at my subdomain, but, more importantly, any pages with dynamic content (PHP, SHTML etc.) can no longer be reached and invariably move to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, which obviously gives an error as the page does not exist.

Then I noticed in my cpanel under "Redirect" that all dynamic content has been redirected to that (non existing) place.
I have, time and again, deleted that redirect, and every time I get the message it has been deleted, only to keep seeing upon returning to the page that it is back in all its (ugly) glory.

Now, what is this? Are we no longer allowed to use interactive pages, or what?
Why is that kind of content all of a sudden blocked (or at least, it looks that way)?

Ever since buying the Logic plan, I have had nothing but problems.

I submitted a ticket, but am awaiting a reply.

If anyone here knows more about this, please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

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A few words for you and for all of the members of the forum, I do not want anyone assuming that I am on Mission Grudge nor do I care if I sound a bit rude here.


Either report your error on the forum OR ticket, I do not want members opening a TICKET AND TOPIC.. CHOOSE ONE

If you have no idea what you are looking at, do not assume and freak out other members

Open a topic ONLY if your ticket has been "CLOSED" or if the admin has asked you to open a topic

If you have no idea how to solve an issue DO NOT take any action that might RUIN your website. It takes a LONG time getting it back to normal...

If your site has been transferred to a new server and you have been asked to UPDATE when it is safe for us to terminate the old copy.. you need to UPDATE or else we will terminate the old copy and suspend the new one.

When you open a topic here you need to understand that members cannot see your TICKET nor can they MINE or OPAQUE'S response in the ticket. If you want to open a topic kindly GIVE THE ADMINS THE LINK Kindly let me know if you read ANY announcement saying that Xisto has STOPPED HOSTING OF DYNAMIC PAGES.


AN UPDATE FOR MEMBERS :- The problem was with the members .htaccess file and the admins quote to explain


I found an entry in your .htaccess file which protected Dynamic Pages. However, after commenting the line, all your dynamic content is working fine. Please check it from your end :)

#RedirectMatch \.(dynamiccontent|pl|plx|perl|cgi|php|php4|php4|php6|php3|shtml)$ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

I can understand your frustration and fear of losing your webpage, I also understand your right to expressing your opinions BUT you MUST understand that there are many members who do not understand the technicalities of hosting and might PANIC after seeing your post. Be responsible while alerting errors.


Topic closed.. Any further complaints, errors and issues will be attended to EITHER in a TICKET or TOPIC.. You choose.. We will solve any issue you alert in a ticket OR topic not in BOTH.

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