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How To Limit A Machine From Running A Program Through Regedit If you dont want people to run certain programs such as telnet or more

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Hi Guys,Well I thought I would write this tut as a few people have asked me how to limit access to certain features in XPSo well this is not a guaranteed way of stopping someone if they really want to....And also if the user has admin privilages on the machine in questionAnd they know how you did it :) So dont do this and then moan the person got past it, This is mainly to stop kids from running software or services that you dont want them to run Ok here goesStep 1 :Choose the program / service that you want to ban from being run Step 2 :Go to admin tools and then select local security settings and seect Software Restriction policies (pic below)post-73985-1228294776_thumb.jpgStep 3 :If you have no policies already setup follow the on screen instructions of right clicking Software Restriction policies and going to create new policiesOnce this is done you should have a explorer windows that looks like thispost-73985-1228294932_thumb.jpgStep 4 :Ok excellent if all is going to plan you should have a screen like the one up top, Now right click on additional rules and go to > New Path Rulepost-73985-1228295075_thumb.jpgStep 5 :Ok now press the browse button and find the exe for the program you want to ban (obviously if it is a service find that in the browse)post-73985-1228295220_thumb.jpgStep 6 :Press ok and that is it pretty much press ok and then add a description and press apply then ok post-73985-1228295453_thumb.jpgStep 7 :Test to make sure that the ban has been put in place try to load the programpost-73985-1228295567_thumb.jpgStep 8 :And so you should get this message when you try to laod the programpost-73985-1228295672_thumb.jpgThat is making sure that you have followed my TUT to the letter :) Ok well guys I hope this may releave some concerns on how to stop kids or idiots playing around with your machine, you can also make whole drives unavailable etc but depending on the response to this one I may or may not write those upWell any problems post here or PM me Ok guys Laters

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