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I have many problems with a vps from this Xisto - Web Hosting. That not recomand to you to buy. First the vps i have in this month have few downtime , in first day of month i have 2 downtime per day , and now the vps is down from 2 days. In second time the support it sucks .I paste to you same discution with them. Please dont buy from this Xisto - Web Hosting , the rules from their site it is not valide.



Discution with support of Xisto - Web Hosting:

Please Wait while connecting to an operator

You''re connected to operator - Admin Psychz

Admin Psychz: hello,how may i help you?

User: your coleg said my ipxxx.xxx.xxx.xx1 be online in few hours , and the ip still down

User: your mate

User: Jim: Hello

Jim: How can I help you ?

User: please turn on my ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1

User: and keep close the ip with problems xxx.xxx.xxx.xx9

Jim: xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1is already on

Jim: please let me know what error you are facing with

User: http://network-tools.com/default.asp?prog=ping&hos t=xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1

User: go this link to wiev it is not on

User: see?

User: you see?

Jim: yes

User: ans?

Jim: i have resolvd the issue

User: ok

Jim: and it may take few hours to update it globally

User: thenx

Jim: please clear cache from your local machine

Jim: and then check it

Jim: you are most welcome

User: thenx


User: you see?

Admin Psychz: wait let me check

Admin Psychz: let meknow the root pass for this vps

User: Main ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.x19

Secondary ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.x20

Tertiary ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1

User: root


Hostname: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Admin Psychz: root@vps [~]# uptime 03:58:41 up 1 day, 6:34, 1 user, load average: 0.13, 0.22, 0.56

Admin Psychz: server working fine sir

Admin Psychz: vps working fine

User: please view the ip

User: check with http://network-tools.com/default.asp?prog=ping&hos t=xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1

Admin Psychz: xxx.xxx.xxx.x19

Admin Psychz: this is your main ip

Admin Psychz: is it right?

User: yes

User: but i have site run to ip http://network-tools.com/default.asp?prog=ping&hos t=xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1

User: but i have site run on ip ........221

Admin Psychz: ok wait

Admin Psychz: checking

User: and the ip .....221 it is down

Admin Psychz: wait chcking

Admin Psychz: 64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=0 ttl=63 time=621 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=0.319 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=0.497 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=0.399 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=0.421 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=5 ttl=63 time=0.344 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=6 ttl=63 time=0.293 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=7 ttl=63 time=0.435 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=8 ttl=63 time=0.358 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=9 ttl=63 time=0.412 ms

Admin Psychz: please check this now

Admin Psychz: please verify it

User: http://network-tools.com/default.asp?prog=ping&hos t=xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1

User: please go to this address

User: to see

User: the ip it running localy to you but externaly no

User: you check?

Admin Psychz: please ping from you vps

Admin Psychz: root@vps [~]# ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1PING xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1 (xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1) 56(84) bytes of data.64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.029 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.025 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.029 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.019 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.022 ms

User: i ping for my vps

User: yes work , but from my pc not work

Admin Psychz: yes its due to cache

User: Ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1


Timed out

Timed out

Timed out

Timed out

Timed out

Admin Psychz: please try it after sometime

User: paste abot few hours noting

User: i wait more then 12 hours

User: and give me the same

Admin Psychz: but no your ip is working

Admin Psychz: please let me know the some website name

Admin Psychz: so we will check is it work or not?

User: i run to ip : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

User: xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1 xxxxxxx

User: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

User: you check?

Admin Psychz: wait checking

User: check if this ip it is blocked by your firewall

User: server firewall

Admin Psychz: root@vps [~/public_html]# ping xxxxxxPING xxxxxxx (xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1) 56(84) bytes of data.64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.016 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.017 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.020 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.022 ms

User: and me why not running for my

User: from my computer not running

User: plese you ping from website http://network-tools.com/ to see

Admin Psychz: wait checking

You''re connected to operator - Michael S

Michael S: Hello

User: heloo

User: yes

User: ?

Michael S: hello

Michael S: let me know root pass

User: hello the pass is up

User: in my conversation

Michael S: I did take over the chat from admin

Michael S: so just let me know root pass

Michael S: i know the issue

User: Main ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.x19

Secondary ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.x20

Tertiary ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1

User: root

Password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hostname: vps.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

User: see this dicution

User: with Psychz

User: Admin Psychz: hello,how may i help you?

User: your coleg said my ipxxx.xxx.xxx.xx1 be online in few hours , and the ip still down

User: your mate

User: Jim: Hello

Jim: How can I help you ?

User: please turn on my ip xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1

User: and keep close the ip with problems xxxxxxxxxx9

Jim: xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1is already on

Jim: please let me know what error you are facing with

User: http://network-tools.com/default.asp?prog=ping&hos t=xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1

User: go this link to wiev it is not on

User: see?

User: you see?

Jim: yes

User: ans?

Jim: i have resolvd the issue

User: ok

Jim: and it may take few hours to update it globally

User: thenx

Jim: please clear cache from your local machine

Jim: and then check it

Jim: you are most welcome

User: thenx


User: you see?

Admin Psychz: wait let me check

Admin Psychz: let meknow the root pass for this vps

User: Main ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.x19

Secondary ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.x20

Tertiary ip: xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1

User: root

Password: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Hostname: vps.xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Admin Psychz: root@vps [~]# uptime 03:58:41 up 1 day, 6:34, 1 user, load average: 0.13, 0.22, 0.56

Admin Psychz: server working fine sir

Admin Psychz: vps working fine

User: please view the ip

User: check with http://network-tools.com/default.asp?prog=ping&hos t=xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1

Admin Psychz: xxx.xxx.xxx.x19

Admin Psychz: this is your main ip

Admin Psychz: is it right?

User: yes

User: but i have site run to ip http://network-tools.com/default.asp?prog=ping&hos t=xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1

User: but i have site run on ip ........221

Admin Psychz: ok wait

Admin Psychz: checking

User: and the ip .....221 it is down

Admin Psychz: wait chcking

Admin Psychz: 64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=0 ttl=63 time=621 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=0.319 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=63 time=0.497 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=3 ttl=63 time=0.399 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=4 ttl=63 time=0.421 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=5 ttl=63 time=0.344 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=6 ttl=63 time=0.293 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=7 ttl=63 time=0.435 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=8 ttl=63 time=0.358 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=9 ttl=63 time=0.412 ms

Admin Psychz: please check this now

Admin Psychz: please verify it

User: http://network-tools.com/default.asp?prog=ping&hos t=xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1

User: please go to this address

User: to see

User: the ip it running localy to you but externaly no

User: you check?

Admin Psychz: please ping from you vps

Admin Psychz: root@vps [~]# ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1PING xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1 (xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1) 56(84) bytes of data.64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.029 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.025 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.029 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.019 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.022 ms

User: i ping for my vps

User: yes work , but from my pc not work

Admin Psychz: yes its due to cache

User: Ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1


Timed out

Timed out

Timed out

Timed out

Timed out

Admin Psychz: please try it after sometime

User: paste abot few hours noting

User: i wait more then 12 hours

User: and give me the same

Admin Psychz: but no your ip is working

Admin Psychz: please let me know the some website name

Admin Psychz: so we will check is it work or not?

User: i run to ip : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

User: xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1 sxxxxx.co.cc

User: http://www.sxxxxx.co.cc/

User: you check?

Admin Psychz: wait checking

User: check if this ip it is blocked by your firewall

User: server firewall

Admin Psychz: root@vps [~/public_html]# ping sxxxxx.co.ccPING sxxxxx.co.cc (xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1) 56(84) bytes of data.64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.016 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.017 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.020 ms64 bytes from xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1: icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.022 ms

User: and me why not running for my

User: from my computer not running

User: plese you ping from website http://network-tools.com/ to see

Admin Psychz: wait checking

You''re connected to operator - Michael S

User: ok?

Michael S: ok

User: you find my issue

Michael S: so now u have issue with domain sxxxxx.co.cc?

Michael S: and you could able to ping 221 ip?

Michael S: right?

User: with ip ...221

Michael S: are u able to ping it now?

User: i send the result

User: Ping xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1


Timed out

Timed out

Timed out

Michael S: let me know here

Michael S: hmmm

User: ping from website http://network-tools.com/default.asp?prog=ping&hos t=xxx.xxx.xxx.xx1

User: http://network-tools.com/

User: and the same ping from my computer

User: where is the problem?

Michael S: wait

User: i wait




Other discution from support ticket:

My vps is down, you know that. means my ip xxx.xxx.x21 is down. and my xxx.xxx.xxx.x29 was canceled from my ip i see! the reason you have mentioned is ddos attack, this is not my foul, is not your foult but in term you don't suspend the ip or service for this reason! so for your bad management and because you have protection on your server you don't have the reason to stop my vps. yesterday you said i have use 200mbit, how you explain that is i don't have a site with trafic, if on my whmsonic user i haven't more slot use? 200mbit on whmsonic means mnore then 10.000 slots use in same time at a 128 bitrate.

so solve the problem without another ''stupied'' details by you!


:P And their respons:



Thank you for contacting the support team.


The IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xx9 was getting affected on this VPS. This IP has too much DDOS attack. And due to this our whole network was down. So we have removed this IP from VPS. The bandwidth usage for this VPS was gone over 1659.99 GB . Currently this VPS is in active state and few websites are working on it. Please verify it.


If you need further help, please feel free to ask.


Thank You.



:D Nothing helps me , this is the wrong detallies the firste disscution pasted confirm that.




:o:o:o:D I send few mail and the ComputinHost team not respont to me , i wait more than 24 hours an nothing and the support is 24/7 , ehere is??????/

i have a vps hosted on you. from begin i have a lot of down time, more than 10% daown time. in every month. for this down time nobody paid me. now at a attack from i don't know and you same don't know you want 100$ from me! i want for may down time 1000$ because that the money i have lose! in your terms you said nothing about suspended about the attack, but you have suspended my vps! for this wrong terms information i need 10.000$. so try to see your term, try to see the problem and solve it, i paid your money tomorow and in the same time i will send you date to paid my invoice for down time and wrong terms!



:lol:^_^:D:lol:^_^ Plese dont buy from this Xisto - Web Hosting it is a big stake, it is a big fraudulency !!!!!!!!!!!! :D:angry::angry::angry::P:o:o:o:o










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I understand there was issues with your VPS but there were attacks launched at your .221 IP that saturated our gige uplinks.From our providers here is the snippet.Source is coming from different ips.bbr02.lax02#sh mls ip | i icmp:8 :0 -- :0x0211.110.24.225 icmp:0 :0 -- :0x076.170.218.228 tcp :22 :4218 -- :0x066.250.45.2 udp :18044 :ntp -- :0x0212.93.192.17 icmp:259 :0 -- :0x0195.29.150.3 icmp:259 :0 -- :0x0Snippet above from savvis uplink shows that they had multiple sources hitting router the icmp / udp attack went through and hit the main edge router is simply dropped the BGP sessions which caused instability of your VPS for about 30-40 minutes.We isolated the issue once we found the source since the did not tell much.We were able to do some sniffing and saw that the destination on the was displaying. of the router shows below6au][|domain] (DF)07:21:25.797983 802.1Q vid 10 pri 0 > 12337 op6% [b2&3=0x3233] [13879a] [13365q] [14393n] [16706au][|domain] (DF)07:21:25.797988 802.1Q vid 10 pri 0 > 12337 op6% [b2&3=0x3233] [13879a] [13365q] [14393n] [16706au][|domain] (DF)07:21:25.797992 802.1Q vid 10 pri 0 > 12337 op6% [b2&3=0x3233] [13879a] [13365q] [14393n] [16706au][|domain] (DF)07:21:25.797997 802.1Q vid 10 pri 0 > 12337 op6% [b2&3=0x3233] [13879a] [13365q] [14393n] [16706au][|domain] (DF)07:12:07.164370 802.1Q vid 121 pri 0 > icmp: host unreachable [tos 0xc0]07:12:07.164376 802.1Q vid 121 pri 0 > icmp: host unreachable [tos 0xc0]07:12:07.164421 802.1Q vid 10 pri 0 > icmp: host unreachable [tos 0xc0]07:12:20.089629 802.1Q vid 121 pri 0 > icmp: host unreachable [tos 0xc0]07:12:20.089633 802.1Q vid 121 pri 0 > icmp: host unreachable [tos 0xc0]07:12:20.089705 802.1Q vid 10 pri 0 > icmp: host unreachable [tos 0xc0]07:12:20.089709 802.1Q vid 10 pri 0 > icmp: host unreachable [tos 0xc0]07:12:20.089629 802.1Q vid 121 pri 0 > icmp: host unreachable [tos 0xc0]07:12:20.089633 802.1Q vid 121 pri 0 > icmp: host unreachable [tos 0xc0]07:12:20.089705 802.1Q vid 10 pri 0 > icmp: host unreachable [tos 0xc0]07:12:20.089709 802.1Q vid 10 pri 0 > icmp: host unreachable [tos 0xc0]Once we nulled the IP on the OUR main routers of IP it still caused BGP sessions to drop since traffic was still hitting the router going to its destination.We applied ACL to prevent the attacks further however due to our saturated links the BGP kept dropping our sessions to providers.We requested our provider to null the IP at their EDGE so traffic does not pass into our gige network.bbr02.lax02#sh run | i route Null0 name pshchzbbr02.lax02#Above is the router configs done at the carrier level.Once this was done we shut down the VPS and review the issue to prevent the problems for other clients.As we reviewed it we saw it was only one account responsible where we simply powered back the VPS and email a notification to get rid of that client.A few days ago we had carrier level issues where multiple IPs were saturating our carriers as well. It is our understanding that this IP/client was responsible for the outage on the carrier level last weekend.Multiple firewalls, and topology are being changed due to the attack that happen last weekend and this. Attacks do happens and its our job to minimize the downtime so it does not happen again.If you are requesting a lost of $100.00 USD for your client we'll be glad to pass the bandwidth that was pass through in the attack as well as looses for other businesses which are in the thousands.We're here to work with you so you can be successful.

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If you still feel we are fraudulent company, We request you to move your services elsewhere.// TOPIC CLOSED!

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