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Politics In Usa Aftermath of 2008 election.

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I am so relieved that this election is over with. Before the election our household was pelted with campaign propoganda mail and phone calls. Some of the negative stuff was apalling. Accusations of "radical homosexual agendas", racial inuendos, bad political jokes and On and On and On. We thought it would never end.


Now that the election is over, the propoganda and phone calls have ceased. BUT, we find the local newspapers are still at it. One newspaper headline from just north of us read 'OBAMA NATION". Now the inuendo is subtle, but none the same it is apparent that the person who created this headline and the editor who allowed it to be printed are not the kind of people I would want to associate with. Leaving me to decide that I would never subscribe to their newspaper.


The decision has been made by the people of the USA. Barack Obama won the election whether or not you agree with the choice. No matter what your political affiliation; now is not the time for us to be slandering our chosen President-Elect. We need to pull together like never before. We have a lot of problems on our plate that need to be dealt with. There is not the time for derision.

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As much as I love your opinion, I hate to say that the unfortunate reality is that more than half of the nation, I'm sure, is ignorant and/or just plain stupid to put aside petty differences to actually focus on what's important.It's the harsh reality of things. People are going to hold grudges and slander opposing parties and/or people based on their political affiliations, the color of their skin, their sex, etc. Down in Mississippi, people are suspending kids and shunning others that even utter the President-elect's name. It's ridiculous and at the same time, very sad and pathetic how we as Americans can be so hypocritical to the founding principles that we pride ourselves with. Does that make any sense to anyone at all?Your argument against harassment with headlines, political propaganda, biased news, and exposure to such rubbish is one of the reasons why I hate political riff-raff. But everyone is entitled to an opinion, and the status quo of the United States is a prime example and living proof as to why Plato deemed a democracy the worst form of government possible. And as much as I'm for equal opportunity and the freedom to live, I sadly have to agree with a long-dead philosopher that our downfalls and faults are to be blame on the very principles that make this country so "great."Ah, the irony. :lol:

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Well here's the thing, I believe the reality will not set in for this country until January 20th, 2009. I could be wrong on that but again we will not know what kind of President he will be, but I will say this though, Obama has no room for failure, I do not think he will fix the 8 years of hell bush has put us through, but I hope he will try to fix as many mistakes as possible and bring us back to prominence instead of country controlled by oil tycoons with great connections.

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I do not live in the USA, i live in Australia but Australia like most countries around the world are heavily influenced by US politics. In Australia the US election is almost as important as the Australian one. Obama one because he promised "change". That is very similar to the current Prime Minister of Australia who promised change. I believe McCain would have been the better President over Obama. I do not like Obama nor the Democratic Party. Obama and Biden were bad choices especially Obama. The McCain-Palin team would have been way better than Obama. McCain had way more experience than Obama. But America voted and their (bad) choice was Obama so there going to have to live with it for the next four years.

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