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I bought a radio (Sony) today, as I looked through the warranty terms I noticed such a sentence:

"The warranty will not cover cosmetic damage, or the acts of God, misuse, ....",

Now I only have one question:

How will they define it is damaged by the acts of god?

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ACTS of God? Haha, as though they have some of their own acts :P


Each and everything happening around us is an act of God.


Even manufacturing defects... so to say. So what if they start telling us that even that cannot be covered under the warranty as that particular manufacturing defect was not intended and hence an act of God?


Somebody stop these people from using such phrases...


But I somehow feel that somewhere it must be defined as one amongst these: earthquake (including tsunami?), tornado, storm, volcano eruption... like that?

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I bought a radio (Sony) today, as I looked through the warranty terms I noticed such a sentence:

"The warranty will not cover cosmetic damage, or the acts of God, misuse, ....",

Now I only have one question:

How will they define it is damaged by the acts of god?


They probably mean force majeur events like googlue suggested. Earthquakes, other natural disasters, war and so on.


On a slightly related note I once saw a scan of an iPaq manual which said that users should not sleep on it or bang it against hard objects. :P Link: iPaq manual

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Thats what i would be guessing, the "acts of god" is a statement that could mean any of things. Just like we use the term "mother nature" to define the weather conditions that sweep across the world. The "acts of god" is probably i would assume to be the similar thing. That is just the major acts of "mother nature" and is to be considered what googlue has explained below i dont see any other things that would relate, that would actually relate to the statement.

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It seems to me, that if you are athiest, it won't cover anything. Since you don't have a god, how can he act upon your new sony radio? lol. On the other hand, the opposite side of the spectrum has another problem. If god is omnipitent, which most would claim that he would be, then every thing we do has been detirmed by god. Thus, everything is an act of god? So basically, when looking at it through religious eyes, you have no warrenty. Lucky for me, I'm the athiest in these two senarios. :P

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Hmmmm..... pretty interesting. Acts of God??? What? Maybe a Tsunami, Earthquake, volcano, something like that. I don't think a warranty will cover that, anyway if the PERSON survives, I think it would be enough. Why would a warranty cover that? Just get yourself a life insurance, it would be great, thanks :P:P

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