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Story Of U.s Marines Ive just made up a little story, and parts of it was from my drea

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I and my friend (only had one friend this time.) was shooting a few cans and beer bottles off the wall, for a few minutes and it was getting a little boring...so we went to the U.S Marine HQ and started throwing things over the electric fence, and realised there was no electric running through as the power to the base was down. Just as we climbed up the fence this lad ran up to us and said "You two can't go over there...that's the U.S Marines HQ! You'll be either prosecuted or shot." We both looked at each other and replied to the lad "So? We do this all the time. They know us...they always let us go over." the lad said "Sweet. Can I join you?" we replied "Sure. Only if you can run fast, and climb, AND take pain if shot." the lad answered "Awesome. I'll try take the pain" we replied "I hope so. We're not to be held responsible if you get hurt." All three of us climbed over the fence and was caught by the head-commander. He took us all to the Captain, and said "Captain, I found these kids near the Military Jets. What are we doing with them?" "Captain: Let them go. They are fine to walk around the base." "Commander: Yes sir!" the Captain said "OK boys...if your going to be walking around the base, you need to change your clothes. Put these Military clothes on with these Assault Rifles, and get guarding the base. " We was totally gob-smacked at what the Captain just told us to do...we was speechless.Anyway, we set off walking around, then we spotted a watch tower in the base. We asked the Captain if we could go up in the towers, the tanks, and everything else. He said "of course, but don't mess with anything. We've been getting alot of enemy attacks lately. Be on the lookout for them. If you see them shoot them. If you miss, keep shooting!" So we went up to the huge tower with binoculars...we spotted something in the bushes, so we pressed the warning alarm. The Captain came out and yelled "WHAT IN GODS NAME IS WRONG!" "We told the Captain we spotted an enemy trooper. The Captain said "WELL DON'T JUST STAND THERE, SHOOT THEM!" We started shooting, and made them retreat back to their own base. The Captain was ever so proud of us, and we earned a promotion, to be a commanding officer. We accepted the promotion and stayed with the U.S Marines every day. We did not go back home at all. We called our parents and told them we earned a promotion at the U.S Marines base. Oh they was so proud of us! :PSo we carried on with our new promotion and never gave up.///End of episode 1 of U.S Marines HQ Story/What you think? :P Hope you like reading. :)-Sky

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