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So Sick...

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Right now, I am supposed to be on a two-day school camp. I am supposed to be on a coach, visiting interesting places, and looking forward to a night spent hanging out with friends in a 10-person dorm room.

But instead, I am aimlessly browsing the net and trying to find a human to talk to.

I am sick. I fell sick five days ago, with a mild fever. I went to the doctor straightaway and got some antibiotics, and spent the next four days resting, even though I have major exams coming up in a fortnight. But it didn't work.

But here's the worst part: exactly one month ago (and I mean exactly one month - to the day) I fell sick too. And exactly one month ago, I had another camp to attend, which I had to miss. And it was exactly the same problem: some kind of throat infection. Back then, I got an antibiotic and it started working in a few days, and I was completely well in about three days (just after the camp finished).

I did not think it would happen again, but it did. And I kept building my hopes, even though the mercury never shrank during those five days. After all, I had done all the right things: gone to the doctor, gotten some drugs, rested all day, and drunken lots of water.

Here's the thing though: our school is rather deprived in the camps department. We have two grade-wide camps throughout high school, and today's is the second one. (The one last month was not.) I have just missed the last grade-wide school camp I'll ever be able to attend. In my life.

And it was the same problem that made me miss another camp that I so badly wanted to go to. And the timing is so perfect. No matter what I tried in those days, putting everything else on hold, hoping I could go today, nothing would work. And I am almost SURE that it will miraculously heal to coincide with the end of the camp. Because that's basically what happened last time.

The chances of this are almost unbelievable. Perfect timing, same illness, exactly one month apart, just in time to miss two eagerly-anticipated camps.

Just imagine what it would be like to fall sick and miss something that you'd been looking forward to for a while. And then, trying to comfort yourself, you say "oh well, there's another better one next month". Only to miss that one as well, even though you do all the right things to try to stop that from happening. No matter what you try, you don't get better. And then as soon as it becomes clear you can't go to the camp, you suddenly get cured.

The loneliness is awful too. There's nobody to MSN because I am the only one who's not there. My friends rang me earlier, asking me how I was (not very well). I really hope they have fun. But at the same time, I really wish I could be with them...

It's not the camp itself. Or the sickness itself. But the fact that it seems as though sickness is striking me for the specific purpose of preventing me from going to camps. (Sure enough, my temperature's gone back down to normal. And it's evening here - when my temperature's usually the highest. I haven't had a normal temperature in the last five days. And now, I have it - just after it became certain I wasn't going to the camp)

How else can you explain this incredible coincidence?

Edited by HyBriD54 (see edit history)

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