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Is Firewire800 Cable Faulty?

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I have a LaCie D2 triple-interface external drive that I use with my MBP and Time Machine, connecting via FireWire 800. Suddenly tonight the drive wouldn't boot. However, it DOES boot using the FireWire 400 cable and the USB cable. The FireWire 800 cable does power the drive from the MBP. What's likelier -- I need a new cable, the port on my MBP is bad, or it's something in the internals of the external drive itself? Thanks.

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Ah, i faced such problem before. For my case its the cable problem, just like you. Do you happen to have a new FW800 cable? IF so try it, else borrow it.I was told FW800 cable tend to worn out really fast..

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This can be caused by any of the possibilities you mentioned. The easiest case to check is the cable so I would suggest trying a new FireWire 800 cable first and see if it resolves the issue. If that does not resolve the issue it is most likely a burnt out port on your comuter. If you frequently unplug the drive while the computer is still sending data, the port on your computer could go bad. I'd suggest trying the drive on a different computer that has a FireWire drive (if you have one available to you) and see if the computer mounts it.

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