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I Cant Signin With Frontpage Extensions Support

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Saving .htaccess file: /home/shddgfgc/public_html/.htaccessUsing Upgrade Mode
Saving .htaccess file: /home/shddgfgc/public_html/guestbook/lib/.htaccess
Saving .htaccess file: /home/shddgfgc/public_html/guestbook/lib/fonts/.htaccess
Saving .htaccess file: /home/shddgfgc/public_html/guestbook/templates/.htaccess
Saving .htaccess file: /home/shddgfgc/public_html/guestbook/admin/.htaccess
Saving .htaccess file: /home/shddgfgc/public_html/_private/.htaccess
33878: running /usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/bin/owsadm.exe -o install -t apache-fp -m shddgfgc.trap17.com -p 80 -xuser shddgfgc -xgroup shddgfgc -u shddgfgc -pw x -servconf /usr/local/apache/conf/sites/shddgfgc.trap17.com.conf

Starting install, port: 80.

Created: 30 Aug 2008 05:27:21 -0000
Error: The document root of the web server where you are trying to install the server extensions already contains a disk-based web.
Merging .htaccess file: /home/shddgfgc/public_html/.htaccess
Merging .htaccess file: /home/shddgfgc/public_html/guestbook/lib/.htaccess
Merging .htaccess file: /home/shddgfgc/public_html/guestbook/lib/fonts/.htaccess
Merging .htaccess file: /home/shddgfgc/public_html/guestbook/templates/.htaccess
Merging .htaccess file: /home/shddgfgc/public_html/guestbook/admin/.htaccess
Merging .htaccess file: /home/shddgfgc/public_html/_private/.htaccess
Setting Password
Frontpage passthough auth enabled in /home/shddgfgc/public_html!
Frontpage was installed on the following domains: shddgfgc.trap17.com

This is the reinstallation details which came up.
Even after this i tried to access from frontpage to publish the site. but it is not accepting the password.
I tried ftp which is working and accepting my password but i dont know why frontpage is not allowing me to. The point is my site has a few forms which need frontpage to publish the site to be effective..
kindly suggest something

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This is the reinstallation details which came up.

Even after this i tried to access from frontpage to publish the site. but it is not accepting the password.

I tried ftp which is working and accepting my password but i dont know why frontpage is not allowing me to. The point is my site has a few forms which need frontpage to publish the site to be effective..

kindly suggest something

Your re-installation process has an error of the following text:


Error: The document root of the web server where you are trying to install the server extensions already contains a disk-based web.

This obviously means they are already installed on your cPanel. If this is the case then backup your cPanel files and everything in your "home" directory uninstall the frontpages and re-install them again.


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Your re-installation process has an error of the following text:
This obviously means they are already installed on your cPanel. If this is the case then backup your cPanel files and everything in your "home" directory uninstall the frontpages and re-install them again.

Thank you very much. Now its working

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The problems i face are slightly different
when i'm publishing thro' ftp the files are all ok but if i pubish with frontpage, an error message shows like this

An error occured accessing your windows sharepioint services site files. Authors - if authoring against a web server, please contact the webmaster for this server's web site. Web masters please see the servers application eventlog file

Help me out guys...

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