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I Learned More About Tourette Syndrome Do you have kids? It is more common than you may think

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I met a new friend who has a son diagnosed with Tourette syndrome.
I had heard about it, and seen all the jokes on TV and in movies, but other than that was clueless.
My friend directed me to the wikipedia and helped fill in some blanks after a mega-chat session that lasted most of the afternoon and into the evening and I was surprised at what I did not know.

Tourette syndrome is hard to diagnose, and most often misdiagnosed.
1-10 of every 1000 children have Tourettes, and some reports say 6-8 in every 1000. That means that many of us may know someone who has it, and dont even know it.

We've all seen the jokes about blurting obscenities and the like, but this is extremely rare. Most of the time it is simple tics such as clearing the throat, clicking the tounge or tapping fingers etc, and can be associated with ADHD.
It is prevelant in children, who may grow out of it as they mature, or at least the tics may lesson.

Children with Tourette syndrome usually learn some things that require eye coordination, or study like new languages very easily. My friends son Nick was doing 100 pc. puzzles at 3-4 yrs old, even completeing 3 different ones combined into one box long before he was ever diagnosed.

She told me that in a Tourette syndrome group here in Dallas, that most children were on different medications, and what works for one may not for the next.
However medication for Tourettes is usually not prescribed, especially with children.

Tourette syndrome does not discriminate, and can be found worldwide, in any race.

It is very clear to me after our discussion that many children may be getting into trouble, or misdiagnosed by doctors needlessly.

Anyway, I found it very interesting that so many kids might be afflicted and thought it was worth a share.
Maybe it will help others in at least to help educate and make some parents aware.

The wiki might be a good place to start to learn more:
More Info on Tourettes

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Ah, true, that.I have a co-worker with Tourette's Syndrome and, I suppose, his first few days in the office had... affected pretty much everyone. He was blinking his eyes ever and anon, as well as snorting, well, softly. A soft snort-like sound caused by air forcibly expelled through the nostrils. No, not a sneeze it sounds more like a scoff, but with none of the gestures associated with a normal scoff.Anyway, we work for an IT company and, well, he almost got in trouble. Not with me, though :) Our bosses had been commenting on a new project and asked, in jest, "Who of you are experts in Java?" A scoff. "Now who of you are experts in PHP?" Another scoff.Unknown to me, one of our co-workers was already thinking, "Why... this pompous jerk... conceited b4$+4rd..." and was just about to come to blows. It was only later he was told of Tourette's syndrome (and much, much later when I heard the story) :)In any case, before I knew of his condition, I thought... "What a weird boy... (he looks kinda cute...) I wonder what's up with him... (Does he have a boyfriend/girlfriend already?) Must be ADHD... (He's probably single...)" When I brought up the topic to my friends (no, not the ones between the parentheses) they were... flabbergasted that I was insensitive enough to call the poor kid weird. That was how I learned of Tourettes, just a few months ago >_<

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