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My Out Of Body Experience

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In christmas holiday several years ago, I have successfully going out of my body after learning something.The experience is quite fearful. I do the OBE by imagining fallilng from a high ground / building. While doing that my body feel heavier and heavier and my chest is very very heavy (due to the not clean heart chakra). After I successfully in a lower frequency where sound could be heart like from an empty room or like listening in water. I pull my consciousness outside my body by thinking something fearful.Right after my consciousness is separated from the body, things become very fearful. I see the environment in green colour like filter. I see my own door, my room and i can walk but very slowly, my body is like made from water, if i lift my hand is like lifting water must be very careful. And my heart said "I have succeeded and rather happy". And i also have some kind of fear, the feeling that I can't return to my original body, the feeling comes from not from what I think, it because going out of body is like going into a very deep like tunnel, for most people is like adventuring to a mysterious and far away place and thus I sense very insecure and fear.I can walk around, and do many things, it feels like i am happy, but every further i walk, i feel more worrying about my body, its rather natural feeling.Then for some reason I wake up. And my bodies is shaking, i go bath and go to eat, I still remember that when I grab the spoon my body is shaking heavily is like my body is soooooo heavy to bring it walking or taking things.Thats my obe experience.

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