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Is Man A Slave Of Technology..

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I think the man is addicted to technology, not a slave.Through our history, man has always pursued technological advances either to defend themselves from enemies, live better, or whatever.Thats why I think we are addicted more than slaves.If for some reason we had to stop living with the technological advances of today, it would take time to adjust but only to return to find ways to make further progress.

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In my opinion, people are slaves of technology, but technology is a slave of people who are engineers or scientists.If you can't develop technology you are a slave of technology, if you are a developer you make the technology your slave. :)

I totally agree with Erdemir. I don't see people slave's of technology as you can't be creating new technologies being that kind of a being. Of course nowadays people have an incredible addiction or better said dependence to technologies such as TV, internets, fancy cars, MP3s, mobile phones and many others since they make our life easier.

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Sure it has transformed my life from being social and active to quiet and lazy

See, this is what bugs me. Now we sit and play with our gizmo's and do not interact with other humans on a direct and personal level. Kids don't get on their bikes and ride to the playground to play with their friends. Humans are CONSTANTLY "in touch" with each other, but not together, and if your sending that many texts per day as some teenagers do you are definalty in constant contact. Doesn't anybody feel the need for some space occasionally? Just a few minutes where nobody can bug you? Just some nice quite time by yourself where your thoughts are your own? I live for those moments. Am I weird? I love road trips where I can drive for mile and miles with just my own company. No cell phones for me thank you.

Another thing that scares me is that we are being conditioned to be acustom to not actually owning anything, and spending all our money on these basicly worthless gadgets. I've been hearing a lot lately about being in the cloud. We will be paying for things like books, music and movies but we won't own them, they will be in a "cloud" stored on somebody somewhere's computer, but we will have no tangable property. So the wind comes along and blows the cloud away and what do you have to show for the money you have spent on these kinds of products?

We can say that technoligy is here to help us, and to make our lives easier all we want to, but I really have some serious doubts that it's the truth.

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