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Sitepoint: The Ultimate Html Reference

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If you’re a web design both beginner and advance and have a hard time remembering all the various html tags, then this book is for you as Ian Lloyd covers every tag from html 1 to XHTML. Each tag is broken down about what is is supposed to do and gives you an example of what it looks like and what other HTML’s can be used with that tag as well. This book also provides DOCTYPES which includes the early version of html up to the current XHTML. So I highly recommend getting this book and adding it to your collection as you will never have to buy those bulky html bibles that are out there.


Also if you plan on getting this book make sure that you get the Ultimate CSS Reference by Tommy Olsson & Paul O'Brien to complete your collection on every single tag that is currently used today. As for keeping up with standards, this book is current with a 2008 publishing date and so once you go through this book or want to look up a specific tag. They will mention if it is depreciated and can be done with CSS or if you can still use it. With XHTML 2 and HTML 5 still in the early stages of being accepted as the new standard in web design, you will need this book to consolidate everything until HTML 5 is covered in future books.



Can purchase the book here or at the Sitepoint website.


[hr=noshade] [/hr]

Just like the book The Ultimate HTML Reference, this book covers to everything related to CSS and how to set them up and what each CSS tag main roll is. So if your one of those designers who hates trying to remember everything then this book is for you as well, since you can look up a CSS tag and learn how to properly set it up and of course learn what else you can do within that tag as well. As for standard CSS this book is current as it came out in 2008 so you don't have to worry about what CSS styles are still used are not use not used anymore. So if you want to keep yourself up to date on what you can do with CSS then this book is for you. Also when Internet Explorer 8 getting ready for its second alpha release, because able to design in CSS universally using browser hacks might become obsolete soon. Of course with strong knowledge of CSS1 and CSS2, CSS3 should be easy to grasp once it is accepted by all browsers at 80-100% instead of partial use of CSS3 tags.



Can purchase the book here or at the Sitepoint website


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