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What Is Www.trappedinshit.com? Well, I guess you already know

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Hmm... Remember where you can find that http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/? It's under a category in Xisto's forum. And I'm interested with the name, so I give it a try, pointing my browser to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/. But? No result! And my question is : Is it based on a real website or just a name? If just a name why use that name (with www and .com)?Sorry If I asked a fool question, but I just really want to know. Thank you.

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Hi Ivantoar,It is not a foolish question at all :D . Yes there is a domain registered by us called trappedinshit.com and sadly due to a huge number of projects in Opa's list trappedinshit isn't getting much time. The domain is not hosted therefore it does not lead you to any website. But I can assure you that Opa has a few funky plans for that domain name :(I have asked Opa to answer to this topic as he is the best person who can solve all doubts.

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Hi Ivantoar,
It is not a foolish question at all :D . Yes there is a domain registered by us called trappedinshit.com and sadly due to a huge number of projects in Opa's list trappedinshit isn't getting much time. The domain is not hosted therefore it does not lead you to any website. But I can assure you that Opa has a few funky plans for that domain name :(

I have asked Opa to answer to this topic as he is the best person who can solve all doubts.

Thanks for fast answer. Aw, so sad. Hehehe, I'll wait for the surprise to the domain. Anyway, how can I know when the domain is done? And one more thing, who's Opa? Administrator or domain owner or who else?

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I believe the domain actually used to point to that specific subform, I may be mistaken.

And one more thing, who's Opa? Administrator or domain owner or who else?

Opa more commonly known as OpaQue is god in this hellish place we call home. His will be done. He is not only just one of the two admins on the board but he is the amazing mastermind behind the entire xisto netowrk.

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