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The Worst Experience In My Life Yesterday life changing

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i was with one of my friends. we went to a roller rink. it was around 9:00 pm she was giving 6 people rides home so theres 8 people in the van. i new 1 out of the 6 people. she new them all. 1guy5girls me and my friend Kaitlyn. one of the girls in the middle row sed "lets ride on the bumper agen" i didn't no what they rely where going to go. we pulled to a back road and 2 of the girls got out and got on the back bumper and held on to the top railing. 3 people including me where telling them this is not a good idea they sed " don't worry we did this before" we drove about 10-15mph forward then backward and im telling Kaitlyn to slow down. we stopped and i was like "thank god" but the other girl in the back sed she wanted to do it. she got on the back with the other 2 we went backwards the forwards Kaitlyn was watching them not the road she was almost on the grass so she jerked the wheel to git in the middle of the road the 3rd girl fell off going 15mph+ i could here her head smack the ground and hear here glasses break...she slammed on the brakes the girls where crying and she was laying face down. i was still in the car gitting out. they flipped her over and the girls screamed. then i was running to her. she had a gash by her eyebrow and the was to puddles of blood on the ground and she was in shock. the girls didn't no what to do me and the other guy steeped in we told the girls to stop touching her she was conscious i told her not to move she was in shock i held my hand to the bottom of her foot and asked her if she could feel my hand she sed yes. 911 on there way. the other girls where crying like i never seen any one cry before. and they calmed down we preyed for her. a cop pulled up and took are info. then the ambulance came and drove here away. we had to go to the police department still not knowing if she was ok we where then tell 12:30 then i got a ride home didn't sleep. the next day 13/05/2008 the day im righting this this all hapend yesterday... i found out she had no broken bones a bad concussion and git stitches and riped out a earring. the worst experience in my life not knowing if she was going to die. so far i no Kaitlyn got 3 points on her license and a $ 150 fine she is lucky they didn't take away her license the 3girls got a fine don't no yet what they got. no parents sewed. i don't think i will be able to sleep tonight.we all where under 17 i am 16 so don't do any thing stupid like we did. she could of died..

Edited by mikeg738 (see edit history)

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At least you had the brains enough to know not to participate in such a stunt. You could not control what the others did, so don't take any blame. You are right, she could have been killed. I know a young girl who did a similar thing; sat on the hood of the car while it was in motion. She took a tumble on concrete. After several surgeries she has suffered permanent brain damage.


This should be a lesson well learned by all of the people involved. Especially the driver. She must take the responsibility here as she used the vehicle for a toy. Any kind of engine driven, driver operated vehicle is not something to play with. I really think she should have had her license suspended and required to go to some kind of driver training course.


I hope this experience doesn't haunt you for too long. It will take a while to push back in your thoughts, but never forget it all together. Just learn to live with it. My prayers are with the injured girl.

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That really sounds horrible. Hopefully the girl recovers fully and they learn their lesson not to dabble with such dangerous games. Recklessness can be fun, but it can also result in a life time of regret. In a case like this, there's the aftermath like psychological trauma, permanent, injuries and scars to worry about. So really, everyone should think twice before they do dangerous stunts like this. The worst thing that could happen other than hurting oneself is hurting another innocent person in the accident.

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What a crazy stunt! Glad to hear you were smart enough not to get involved, and that you kept your cool and were able to help. But don't beat yourself up over it and let it bother you. I am truely surprised that so many teenagers actually survive to become adults with the crazy stunts they pull. (and yes, ok, as a teenager, I was pretty crazy myself. ) Comes with the territory. I guess I was just one of the lucky survivors, so now I can post here at Xisto and give all you young 'uns good sound sage advise! :lol:

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that was a crazy thing to do! hopefully she is alright and that no one else will do this again. your right she could have gotten a much more serious injury or died so hopefully that will be a lessen to some people not to try things like this again.

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