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Unreal Tournament 3 Is it worth getting?

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I've never played the series, nor have I played a first person shooter for an extended period of time. (My FPS experience is limited to playing Halo a couple times and Doom.) For a while I wasn't big on PC gaming, but after playing emulators, I'm getting used to it. I've heard all good things about it except for the story line....which I heard was dreadful. I ask because I've been getting bored as of late and figured I should get a PC game for my laptop. I saw a copy of it online at Game Stop for around $30-ish. So, should I pick it up this week?

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I've played most of the early FPS and the unreal series was one of my favorites because of the style of gameplay. Everything in it seemed more balanced out and natural then the other titles. If you have $30 to spare and willing to give something new a go I'm sure you enjoy it. I think for me the most fun part was multiplayer online battles which was pure excitement and endless fun for hours on in any session.

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I think I shall....have you played this version?And I've seen people on TV play this game on multiplayer (yea, I'm that lame. :lol:), and it does seem like an intense game.

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Update it man, then we could play against each other! :lol:Seriously though, I've heard good things about it on the other message board I'm on, so I'm gonna try to pick it up today or something...if not, then sometime this week.

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Unreal tournament single player has never been much good but the real gold in the game is its multiplayer. I played the original a long time ago and then played 2004 for a while, and I just recently downloaded the demo of Unreal 3. The graphics are stunning and the gameplay is amazing. It is definatly worth getting if you are into fps. Unfortunatly after playing 2004 for so long I decided to get TF2 instead of unreal just because unreal 3 seems almost exactly like 2004, with just some nicer graphics and some extra features like a hoverboard.

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Unreal tournament is a pretty cool game even though i haven't played it yet because i really don't know what console is for the game. I did realise that the guy in unreal tournament looks exactly like the guy in gears of war. So i don't really know why they chose the guy in gears of war. I also want to know is someone knows if the game is for multiplayer like games like counter-strike kind of multi. Also, i would like to know what console this games runs for. I have a computer (PC) and i also have a xbox 360 and also tell me if you agree with me on how they look alike in gears of war and in unreal tournament.I also would want to know how much the games runs for and where can i get it.. a target or a bestbuy or walmart? I hope this game isn't really expensive because if i buy it and it isn't worth the money that would stink.

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Prophet, you first. I got my copy for the PC for $30 at Best Buy. You could also get it for 360 and PS3, but I don't know those prices off hand. And it is multiplayer, which is basically what the game is known for.Alex: I just need to get used to the game before I hit up multiplayer. I've already properly port forwarded, so when I do get around to multiplayer, I'll be all set. :lol:

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Yeah, UT3 is a fantastic game... but Epic Software didn't publish a linux client :DIt's strange because the previous UT games were all ported to linuxMaybe Microsoft paid for it :/

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I loved the campaign... and there is a linux server; the client is coming soon enough. (They were pushing hard to get all three major releases out, the linux will probably be a free loki installer requiring the windows CD)

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