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Soccer Injury need advice

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Last saturday I was playing soccer with my mates for our club and some *bottom* put his foot in my calf while I was trying to cross the ball from left field. Anyway the referee did not see it as a foul and called half time as the ball went out after it bounced off him. At that stage I was just in pain and laying on the ground. Everyone went to the middle and huddled up and I get a call from my coach/manager to walk it in so I get up and start limping to the group.At this stage I'm just glad my leg isn't broken like you see on those video clips of people, that kind of thinking always scares me. As I get to the group I just lay on my back trying to fight the pain looking like a lil cry baby lol. I was about to ask to be subed out for second half but they said it first so I was glad. I went off field and took off my socks and saw a huge *bottom* lump.The injury looks like my legs were pumped up because of the blood and I can see it turning green all around the inside of my calfs. I put ice on it for about 15 minutes then it got too cold and I stopped. It now looks like I have been using my left foot more then my right because of the size difference which is kinda funny looking. It took like a day and a half for it to go down a bit but you can see threes still blood or bruising inside the skin. The pain is gone a bit but my leg still feels a bit stiff when walking. Should I be worried my leg will fall of and go see a doctor or is this a normal/common injury and it will go away on its own? Its almost back to normal size now but yeah the blood or bruising inside the skin still feels a bit stiff.

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I suggest you visit a doctor ASAP, the description of your injury seems to a bad extent, to prevent further injury or something worse happening to your foot, just go visit a doctor. They aren't as scary as we think of them to be :lol:Oh and what do you mean by "Should I be worried my leg will fall of"? Why should your leg fall off? :)

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Could never get into soccer....but that wasn't the reason.Sounds like a brutal injury, can we get a pic of it? :lol:But yea, definitely see a doctor. Can't hurt to go, ya know? Besides, if it is bad, then you'll be glad you went.

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I just took the pic now with my webcam. The huge lumps gone down but the bloods still in behind the skin. Its ugly as hell lol but I wont be wearing shorts out in public anytime soon. I don't know if its even worth checking as its kinda going away now.


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Dude...that's brutal. I kinda wish I saw it when it happened....must have been nasty. (Yes, I'm a little twisted. :lol:)But um, you can walk on it, right? Has that stiffness gone down?

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Yeah it looked really bad it was one of the biggest lump I've ever seen on a body part. Kinda like in the cartoon when you get bruised the blood just bulges out and makes a huge lump. It went down in like 2 days but the stiffness is still there kinda. I think whats happening is blood inside is getting sucked back into where ever its suppose to go to but theres still plenty around in the meat where its not suppose to be so thats why its still stiff. I dunno whats going to happen I just hope theres not clot. I'm no doctor and its slowly going away (been like 5 days now since it happen). I skip training already and maybe will again tonight but I think the best thing next to seeing a doctor or getting it check would be to keep moving, makes sense right keep moving no clots. Thats why I said I hope my leg dosent fall off clot equals gang green or what ever lol and then leg falls out.

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Nah, the injury is moderate, I have seen way worse than that! Hmm.... I still don't get you about your leg falling off xD, sounds really funny to me(no offense) ;) If you are improving, than that is a good sign, but if you go to the doctor, you would be glad to know if there was anything :lol: Just keep taking some bed rest and try and see a doctor although it isn't really nesseary right now but better late than never :) Good luck with it healing, hopefully it heals quickly and you'll be playing soccer again in no time!

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