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About Aromatherapy What is it and how does it work?

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So what is aromatherapy?

It is the holisitc treatment of caring for the body with botanical scents. When I say holistic, I refer to a type of treatment that does not just treat the symptom (ow I have a headache as example). In holistic treatments aromatherapy may walk hand in hand with diet and stress management ( for the example as treatment of the headache). This is to balance out the entire mind, body and spirit instead of just slapping a bandaid over the symptom to get rid of it.

Anyways.....we have the capability to distinguish 10,000 different types of smells. Odor can do much for the human body and spirit. It can calm, relax, help one focus, stimulate and more.

The basic tool to aromatherapy is essential oils. An essential oil is the super concentrated extract of plant material. Take rose oil for instance. Did you know it can take a couple of TONS of roses just to make a few ounces of rose oil? Pretty potent stuff there. You can use essential oils in a variety of ways, which we wil discuss after touching base on the make up of essential oil components to better help understand how scent can affect us on deeper levels than just "OMG I didn't realize how hungry I was until I smelled thoes fries?" Well.......lets look into the wonderful world of constituents.......

Constitu whats?

Constituents. CON-stitch-you-ents.

What is a constituent? The word means "component. Part of a whole"

All EO's ( Essential Oils) are made up of many chemical components ( constituents). This is the chemistry side of Aromatherapy and quite frankly I am not a chemist. With some help ( I provided links) I can however give you a mostly English based light intro on what constituents are and why you may want to know about them.

The constituents fall under three main categories :




It's not unthinkable to find an EO that has several constituents from all three categories. In fact Nature has everything balanced out nicely ( that is why it is so hard for synthetic manufactured scents to pull off what nature already has. Rose Oil is a great example. The real stuff is a wonderful light floral scent while its man made imitators can be sickly sweet and tend to cause headaches after awhile).

I am only going to touch base on a few constituents. There are many many many of them out there and I am no chemist. LOL!


ESTERS " Esters are responsible for the smell of many fruits and vegetables. Esters are made when you react an acid with an alcohol " <---courtesy of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

Any of a class of organic compounds corresponding to the inorganic salts and formed from an organic acid and an alcohol. <--Dictionary.com

ALDEHYDES - "Any of a class of highly reactive organic chemical compounds obtained by oxidation of primary alcohols, ......... used in the manufacture of resins, dyes, and organic acids. " says Dictionary.com

KETONES -Okay this got complicated and Dictionary.com was not written in layman English for this entry. It suffices to say that Ketones are kissing cousins of Aldehydes. They are in the same family which also includes Esters.


SESQUITERPENES- "The sesquiterpenes are a large family of C15-isoprenoid natural products found in higher and lower plants, microbes and some marine organisms. Many have biological activity, including antimicrobial, antitumour, and cytotoxic properties. In plants, they play important ecological roles in interactions with insects and microbes and act as attractants, deterrents, antifeedants and phytoalexins. Sesquiterpenes are key components of many essential oils, which are important commercially for the flavour and fragrance industries. " <----courtesy of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


OXIDES " Oxides are compounds that combine metals or semi-metals with Oxygen " <---courtesy of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

ACIDS " A solution that has an excess of H+ ions. It comes from the Latin word "acidus" which means "sharp". <---courtesy of http://www.chem4kids.com/files/react_acidbase.html

Any of a class of substances whose aqueous solutions are characterized by a sour taste, the ability to turn blue litmus red, and the ability to react with bases and certain metals to form salts. <---http://www.dictionary.com/

MONOTURPENES " make up part of the floral scent of flowers, are components of essential oils, and also play an important role in the defense of conifer trees against bark beetles." <---courtesy of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

ALCOHOL " A colorless volatile flammable liquid, C2H5OH, synthesized or obtained by fermentation of sugars and starches and widely used, either pure or denatured, as a solvent and in drugs, cleaning solutions, explosives, and intoxicating beverages. Also called ethanol, ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol. " says Dictionary.com

PHENOLS "Common in nature:
Example Lingnand made of phenol,dietary fiber, holds cell walls together in plants.
<----courtesy of http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

Phenols can be used for flavorings in tea and coffee. Phenols are also used for synthetic flavorings and scents. It does na stop there folks. Phenols are also used in antiseptics, cosmetics AND health aids. Oh but there is MORE!!!! Phenols can be used in resins, plastics, AND pharmaceutical products. You can also find diluted phenols in disinfectants and antiseptics. WHoa! :lol:

I warned you this was like chemistry class. So why all the whoo ha about constituents? Well understanding them may help you understand better the properties of an oil that you are working with. Let's look at an example shall we?

Remember that the constituent "recipe" will vary from product to product due to the differences in distillation processes.

FRANKINCENSE ( Boswellia carteri)

Esters ( relaxing) up to 10%

Monoterpenes ( Stimulating) up to 50%

Alcohols ( Stimulating) up to 12%

It is a base on the scent scale. A scent that gives depth to a blend.

On the psycological effects scale it ranges from Relaxing through Balancing to Stimulating.

On the physiological effects scale it is between Regulating and Stimulating.

Some actions ( ways it can be used/affects things) of Frankincense are:

Anti inflammatory, Antiseptic Astringent, Carmative, Digestive, Expectorant, Sedative.

It can be used for blemishes, asthma, flu, cystitis, and to relieve tenison or anxiety.

Whoa! What a surprise! Tricky stuff there seeing as at first it looked more like a stimulant than anything, lo and behold though it can actually help calm things though.

Learning about constituents ( which is like a whole other language) can help you in your endeavors to make blends whether as remedies or just for fun.

Don't worry if this bored you to tears and you never want to hear the word constituents again. It's complicated and hard ( as there are from what I understand hundreds of these things and they are all chemsitry components).


"Okay okay!" you are saying. "Now I have all the chemical gobbledy-gook on Essential Oils.....but HOW do I use them?!" Let's look at that then shall we?

First off it is important to remember that you do NOT ingest them. They can have terrible affects on you. Secondly NEVER apply them directly to your skin. EO's are SUPER concentrated. As far as I know only Lavender EO and Tea Tree EO are mild enough to place directly on the skin ( also known as a "neat" application). I still mix them with a Carrier Oil ( such as grape seed oil, sweet almond oil, peanut oil, extra virgin).
Once you mix an EO with a CO you dilute it enough to handle safely ( though if you have allergies or sensitive skin you may want to nix direct application). The ratio is 1-3 drops of Essential Oil to 1 TEASPOON of Carrier Oil. More IS NOT always better. It's smart to use just ONE drop to one teaspoon when it comes to the stronger EO's ( such as cinnamon which can buuuuuuuuurrrrrrn!).

To save you some time and trouble ( who wants to go 1,2,3 to each and every teaspoon?) Here is a table with the ratios for EO's and CO's

1-3 drops EO to 1 Tsp ( teaspoon) of CO. Remember that more is not always better. Especially in the case of strong EO's ( such as Cinnamon).

Up to 12 drops ( I usually stop at about 10) of EO to 1/4 OZ ( 5 ml) of CO

Up to 20 drops EO to 1/2 OZ (10 ml) of CO

Up to 35 drops of EO to 1 OZ ( 30 ml) of CO

Up to 55 drops ( I usually stop at 50 ) of EO to 2 OZ ( 60ml) of CO

If you are working with strong EO's or are sensitive then you definately DO NOT want to cap off at the maximum amount.

Also a note here.....When I say 'up to' I mean combined. So if you have 1/2 OZ of CO and you have 5 different oils you are playing with this does NOT mean up to 20 drops each of said EO's. It means up to 20 drops TOTAL of all the EO's in the mix.


Aromatherapy isn't just used because it smells good. It's what the smells can do for you. Scents can help tell your body to boost your immune system, raise or lower blood pressure, affect moods, stimulate mental activity and so much more. The EO's themselves have many many uses and properties aside from using for scent.
Take lavendar for instance. Not only is it a sedative and a calmative ( things that make you slow down and relax) as a scent, as an agent it is a GREAT cleaning agent ( anti-bacterial and anti-microbial). Lavender can be used for cuts, burns, tummy aches ( EXTERNAL), house cleaning agent, stress reducer, headache reliever and so much more. All that (and MORE) just from one EO! Whoa!
So let's touch base on how you would apply aromatherapy to your life.

A compress is basically a wet dishcloth or rag (either warm or cold). You can add a couple drops of essential oil to it or soak it in an herbal tea depending on your needs. Compresses can be used to bring relief and comfort ( whether it is in breaking a fever or helping a sprain as examples).
I've used Chamomile tea compresses to help with sprains before.

When you were younger did your mom ever put that mentholatum rub ( Vics is a common brand) on your chest when you had a cold and could not breathe? Welcome to the aromatherapeutic application of inhalation. You can inhale different scents for different affects on the body ( in the case of the mentholatum the effect was to clear your sinuses and help you breathe easier through the night).
An easy way to make your own inhalation is to boil up some water so it is nice and steamy....then turn down the heat.....if the water is TOO hot then it will deactivate your oils. Add a couple of drops of Eucalyptus and Peppermint to your pot of steaming water. Now put your face over the pot of water (be sensible here) with a towel over your head as a hood so you can breathe in the steam. Keep your eyes closed and inhale the vapors for 5 minutes or so and breathe in the scent that rises up with the steam. Ahhhhh! Sinus relief at last!

Direct ( also known as "neat application") is another way of using scents. Tea tree and lavendar are the only Essential Oils I know of that are safe enough to apply directly to the skin without having to mix with a carrier oil. Even then I tend to mix them with a Carrier Oil as I stated previously. As always be careful when using Essential Oils.

What can be more therapeutic than a nice warm bath? It soothes aching muscles and helps relax nerves. You can double the healing or relaxing quality of your bath time by adding different scents to it.
You can add up to 10 drops of EO to your bath and be safe. Remember to mix it real well or you could always mix your EO's to a CO. If you are out of CO's and aren't comfy adding straight EO's to your bath you can always add your EO's to a bit of Cream
full cream milk, buttermilk, goats milk, or even honey!
Bath salts are fun to make too for your tub time.....
Here is a simple way to make bath salts! Depending on how large a mixture you want to make, use 3 parts epsom salts, one
part table salt and one part baking soda. Mix thouroughly with your hands and then seperate your mixture into small bowls ( assuming that you are working with large "parts" ). Choose the EO's that you would like and mix it ( or them ) in, one drop at a time though. Remember more is NOT always better. Once you have a scent you like leave it there. Stir thoroughly with a spoon. If you want to add color to it just dump in some food coloring. I love my home made bath salts!

Nothing like some incense in the house to make it smell great and lighten your mood! There are many ways to make and use oils and herbs for incense:
Buy your own stick incense ( usually these have oils and other elements in them).
Go online or buy a book to make your own ( ooh a new hobby?)
Get an Oil Diffuser Dish ( found at any New Age/Pagan shop). These are not too terribly expensive ( depending on style) and come in a wide variety of styles. They have a spot on the bottom for a tea light candle with a dish a few inches atop it. You put in a few drops of your favorite EO's and then light the candle in the bottom. The heat will activate the oils releasing scents.
You know they even have rings you can put on lightbulbs ( in your lamps) where you put in a few drops of EO to make your house smell good ( or help you with your mood).

Touch is so important and yet it is something we rarely treat ourselves or others too. Have you ever had a good massage? Whether it be an all over body massage or just a quick hand or foot massage it just feels so good. Adding scent to the experience can heighten it doing much for your spirits as well as your body. Remember no EO directly to skin though.

Essential Oils can be used for annointing your candles, mixed to add a scented polish to your wooden furniture, or you can even annoint yourself ( carefully mind you). You will definately notice the difference!

So now you know the many ways that aromatherapy can be applied. Essential Oils are one of Nature's many useful tools. Keep in mind though that not all oils are safe, and if you are pregnant there is a list of oils you should NOT go near.
In fact here is that list:

Do NOT use if pregnant!!!! These oils could cause complications for baby, mother or even both!


Another thing to keep in mind when working with oils is any interactions they might have with any medications or alcohol use. Seriously. Here is a sad personal example.....

I had been drinking and gotten fairly tipsy ( not 10 sheets to the wind drunk or anything mind you). I decided I wanted to take a bath and with that thought came "hey I have some awesome EO's!" So I did everything by the book.......except my research on the EO's I used. NEVER use Clary Sage when you are drinking!!!! It ENHANCES the affects of the alcohol in your system ( remember your skin is an absorbant organ....). So I took my bath.....mellowed out. Felt okay. However I had not drank THAT much that night. By morning I should have been fine. Nope. The Clary Sage Essential Oil muckered my system up without me even knowing it......when I woke up the next morning I wasn't just hung over.......I was full blown worst ever in my life messed up.I hadn't even GOTTEN to the hungover stage. Somehow I was fullblown smashed upon waking. It was NOT a fun experience to say the least.
So ALWAYS do your homework on your EO's before you start experimenting with them, ESPECIALLY if you are pregnant, sensitive, or on any type of medication ( including herbal stuffs too). This goes for drinking alcoholic beverages too.

I hope you found this post to be informative.

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Hello,It sounds pretty interesting, thanks a lot for the post! I am a student in Medicine (First year I just started, so I've still got lots to learn!) But yes, I find those pretty interesting, if you know any other of those, please post them, I really enjoyed reading it!Tim.

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