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Installing A Server On Linux?, Doesn't Seem To Wor

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I've been trying to install a server on my Mankdrake 10 linux distro machine, but it has failed. I followed a book, I followed several "install mysql" tutorial stuff and it doesn't seem to work.I am new to linux and I have never had even an RPM work on this computer. Its not a slow computer, but it runs a 1.7g Intel Celeron, 300+ Ram (256 + 128), built in graphics and sound - sound doesn't work, and screensavers are slow as hell. I think the os has lots a problems with the hardware (duh), and I'm not sure where to get drives (not that ill be able to use them because I cant install/do anything). I have many linux books which seem not to help at all (except maybe my Redhat book...)I downloaded the right link but it is mysql-4.1.7.tar.gz.tarNow of couse there are many steps to get a server running. I have downloaded httpd-2.0.52.tar.gz (apache) and php-4.3.9.tar.gz.tar (php), but according to my book it says to install mysql first.Can someone please tell me how to make these stupid things work. I know it should be easy, but it doesn't work for me.By The Way, the only console command I have memorized is su root...because its usefull and I know you have to have root permissions to install anything.One last thing - I swear there is a bug in Quanta Plus -> if you type in "<?php" it crashes and displays some horrid message

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The best way to install rpms is to use the command 'urpmi <rpm file>'... that will install most rpms without a hassle... I really couldn't help you without more information... You can see more info about urpmi via the manual... 'man urpmi'...Hope that helps...

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basic commands of RPM:rpm -ivh <file> (this is to install the file, with hashes showing)rpm -e <file-prefix> (this is to uninstall the program)rpm -Uhv <file> (this is to upgrade the software with hashes showing)rpm -qi <file-prefix> (this is to view the information of the software)Don't use source files because you need to compile it w/ gcc (especially for beginners)xboxrulzP.S: NOT ALL DISTROS HAVE URPMI!

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Pfff... I've just seen that you're using Mandrake 10... apache, php and mysql are on the disks... just use the installing to install them... make sure you have the php extensions for apache installed to... been there, done that, and it works fine.

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