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Absolute Zer0


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Wow, I didn't realize you could post your own games here, but I guess I can't see why not... After all, it's not really advertising seeing as it's free... Cool. :lol:


Anyways, this is a game I made for a Game Making contest in TWO DAYS! That's right, TWO DAYS! If that wasn't hard enough, the game may have no numbers, and ONLY the following sentences:


Operation cancelled, everyone retreat

The buns are overcooked!

No. Just no...

This cannot be possible!

So is this what this is all about?

That's a long way down

This isn't the way I left it

I can't stop sneezing!

Agh, where's a bulldozer when you need one?

It's gonna blow!

Also, you can't cut them off, you can only use the whole sentence, and you also must use ALL of them. On top of that, everything, and I mean everything had to be original, music, sound, graphics, EVERYTHING! Not an easy contest at all! There were nine entrants, two disqualified, one for not following the sentences, the other for lack of content. And guess who won? That's right, yours truly! </brag>


Here are some screenshots:

Posted Image

Posted Image


Obviously due to the word limitation and such, I couldn't add a title screen or help splash screen for that matter, so I'll have to put the controls here:



Left/Right: Walk

A: Shoot

Up: Jump

Up>Up: Double Jump


And here are the download links:

Mirror 1: https://app.box.com/shared/p2wf03cis4

Mirror 2: http://www.mediafire.com/error.php?errno=320&origin=download

Mirror 3: http://www.64digits.com/games/index.php?cmd=viame&id=4547


Legal & Copyright Stuff (Attention Hackers! Read this!):

This game is Š Copyright 2008 Absolute Zer0, that's right, claim it as your own it and you're breaking the law. Do not redistribute the game, or make any attempt to sell it. Use of the 'GM Decompiler' on this game is also against the law. As a matter of fact, everything in the game is copyrighted, the sprites, music, sound effects, you name it, it's copyrighted! You a crook? No? Good!


And I am currently working on a remake with a more fleshed out story and better graphics to set the stage for a sequel, which I am also working on! So if you liked this, know that there's more on the way! I have a lot planned for both of the two, if you want to see updates on how they're going, or discuss the projects, here's where to do it:




Anyway, enjoy! I'll take constructive criticism, but no flaming please! :P



OOPS! Sorry! I posted this in RPGs! Could a mod move this to wherever platformers go? Thanks!

Edited by Absolute Zer0 (see edit history)

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Wow, that's very impressive! I didn't try the game, mainly due to time constraints, but entering a contest like that in 2 days time is incredible. I entered a contest last year with 8 months, and I got something with a little less quality than your game :lol:. Glad you can stay focused, unfortunatly, I've been working on a 2 hour project for the past 4 weeks. Well, keep up the good work and good luck on the rest of your games!

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Thanks! It was a bit of a challenge, but I think it was well worth it. The remake will be just how the original WOULD have been, if I didn't make it within the limitations of the contest. The sequel will pick up from the end of the remake. :lol:

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