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Well Hello New Message Board to me at least...

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Well hello folks at Xisto. Though my SN is Inhuman, I tried to register as Inhumanrampager (the SN I use EVERYWHERE!), but the email provider I used was made of phail, so to speak....at least for registering on Invision. Anyways, I come from the [adult swim] message boards...they're like my internet home. For those that are fans, that's how you get on for the viewer bumps on Sunday. I started making web comics earlier this week with users from those boards in them (Only got 3 finished thus far)....and now I want a free host....and found this place.....why this didn't pop up at the top of my google search is beyond me, but oh well. As for the stuff I do outside of the internet (There's more to life than internet? <_< ), I go to college for Electrical Engineering, but I currently am taking this semester off because I effed up my scheduling (tried to do it waay too late.). So now I'm working at UPS, which is HELL! And no, I'm not driving/racing the truck. :(I camp one state north of where I live every summer....which takes away my internet time.....As for music, I listen to metal almost 80% of the time, with the rest being rock, 80's hair metal, classic rock, and nerd core. I'm a huge concert junkie, but I haven't been to a concert since May and I need my fix BAD. At the last concert I went to, I caught 2 guitar picks: Dave Mustaine of Megadeth and Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath / Heaven & Hell.I would say that's me in a nutshell, but I don't have a pic of me in a nutshell to provide you folks with. :(

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