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Fierce Competition For Web Development Jobs Employers demanding alot from their employee.

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I don't know whether its because theres too many people going for this kind of job and don't have the skills or if the lack of enough experience people influencing employees demanding so much from an employee. This trend I'm seeing a lot from https://www.seek.co.nz/information-communication-technology-jobs/ is a very high demand for web developers with 4+ years commercial experience.

https://www.seek.co.nz/information-communication-technology-jobs/ is probably the most looked at site for IT jobs in new zealand. They list jobs from Aussie and even around the world I believe. The other place is sjs.co.nz which is geared to getting students into jobs. lower level skills required but way less pay. Sometimes though some jobs at sjs require an insanely amount of experience and expertise with McDonald's pay which is ridiculous.

There is no shortage of jobs for experienced and very skill professional web developers and the pay is good, 50-100k a year depending on experience. This is the average on it.seek.co.nz. I've been keeping an eye on these kinds of jobs for a while and every time I see them I awe in amazement at the pay and experience they list.

heres a summary of what they usually list as a requirement.

3-4 years + experience in - PHP, ASP, Coldfusion. JSP (all kinds of languages for the web)
- OO programming knowledge
- MySQL, Oracle,
- Linux, Unix,
- User interface, usability.
- web standards and browser quirks etc.

not to memtion all the other experience in formal writing such as documentation of all kinds /sigh
people skills , time management, etc

There is like so much more I'm missing but cant think of them right now, heres an example of a job I figure would be a simple HTML developer job


* 4+ years slicing and building websites
* 3+ years experience in a commercial web development company
* 2+ years experience building HTML emails
* Very strong HTML skills - ability to write HTML by hand
* In depth knowledge of industry standard web development tools inclusive of Dreamweaver, Photoshop and Fireworks
* Strong front-end developer knowledge; HTML, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, cross browser quirks and accessibility
* Experience in creating CMS based websites and maintaining websites using CMS.
* Ability to take designs from Photoshop and Fireworks and convert to pixel perfect HTML
* Any experience with Mobile / WAP user interface design, Java, XML and JSP is a bonus
* Knowledge of back-end development; PHP, ASP, JSP, MySQL, SQL is preferred as is some experience with Flash development or integration.

You see what I mean, They want you to be a guru or something in all fields. This was just for a basic XHTML job listing but in reality they want you to know a lot more.

I don't think its a bad thing in a way because they are the ones who will be paying you so they deserve someone who has the right experience and knowledge in doing the job. But if you knew all that already you could just get your own job and make more instead of being payed by someone who doesn't even do all the work.
ok end my little rant on that. I dont mind it too much,

I do enjoy building websites and figuring out how things work so I just have to keep learning and build a solid portfolio with enough experience. I only gauge myself with 1 years worth of web develop experience, Still trying to learn so many things all at once takes up a lot of time. One day I hope to be able to have enough experience to apply for these kinds of jobs.

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Well since the big internet crash of 2000-2001, companies are only looking for experience and experience only on top of that a college degree. Of course during the internet boom almost every who knew how to run a computer was hired and then train to develop websites and what not since the internet was just breaking ground and stuff. So not only do you need real world experience, you have to have some sort of degree to even get into a interview these days, because companies don't have the time to train people and trust beginners with millions of dollars and what not. Nonetheless, if you plan to get into the computer field spread yourself out, because you can't rely on getting a web design gig without knowing everything on designing websites, applications, databases, security, and a few sever side languages.

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* 4+ years slicing and building websites

You don't even need a year or more to know how to properly slice a layout; the experience would come from building sites. But i would have suggested 3+ years for the building sites part.


* 3+ years experience in a commercial web development company

See? :P However, this i have found to be the reason why i don't apply to these jobs. I mean, how many job applications can you find that don't require experience? Even some internships ask for experience... How can one gain experience if the ones that actually appear trustworthy are asking for experience?


* 2+ years experience building HTML emails

This implies knowing how to work with attachments.


* In depth knowledge of industry standard web development tools inclusive of Dreamweaver, Photoshop and Fireworks

Dreamweaver? Doesn't that ruin the previous requirement listed? Through personal experience, i've found it takes longer to fix a layout that was generated by a WYSIWYG editor than for one that was generated by hand.


* Experience in creating CMS based websites and maintaining websites using CMS.

Not every CMS is made the same. And Joomla and Mambo aren't easy to first understand. But chances are they have made their own for you to work with.


* Ability to take designs from Photoshop and Fireworks and convert to pixel perfect HTML

This should have been implied in the first requirement.


* Any experience with Mobile / WAP user interface design, Java, XML and JSP is a bonus

Keywords: is a bonus. So you can basically mentally cross out this line.


* Knowledge of back-end development; PHP, ASP, JSP, MySQL, SQL is preferred as is some experience with Flash development or integration.

Does this mean that they'll place you in a position according to your knowledge? Actually, i'd be surprised to see that they'd have PHP, ASP and JSP for one to use.

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