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Project Plans How many do them?

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Hey all, I'm interested in hearing from people who actually work with them. If you don't it wont matter you can still respond. I went for a job with this one guy and we discussed what he actually needed to be done with his website. He also asked me a few questions regarding my experience and I told him the truth not trying to lie my way into a job that I wouldn't be able to handle, The job sounded simple enough some PHP and MySQL maintenance and some further add ons to the current system. He told me he would get back to me in a week on this. During the discussion he talked about needing a project plan written up and I cant quiet remember if he wanted me to do it or he would or if we both would be doing it. I was thinking since he knew more about what he wanted he could probably write it up himself but who knows. I've done a paper on project planning and to tell the truth I don't remember half of it LOL I barely passed that paper. There are time lines I know where you identify mile stones and you have to set goals. I think theres other parts to it like dependencies and maybe even a requirements specification is part of it? Hopefully someone can clear up some details on this.What I wanted to get from some of you trap 17 members is your experience in writing them? I know you will obviously get better at it the more you do and such. I've never written one only in class for that paper. I think this semester I'm doing a similar paper but might be a higher tier on it.So my question to you all is do you use them?, What kinds of jobs did you use them in and was it specifically asked by a client? I'm guessing there will also be people out there doing jobs where they wouldn't even write one up and just go a heading doing the job without them.Most things I take on I never use a project plan because I never stick to schedule and the part about needing to write one up just takes up time I would rather spend doing the project. Also its paper work the kind I really hate, An as things change you have to document everything. Have you identified every possible feature and given it a time line? oh You changed something go back and readjust the project plan. See how much hassle it is, This kind of paper work I really hate.Look forward to hear your thoughts on this discussion.

Edited by sonesay (see edit history)

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