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Giants Win The Superbowl

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The restaurant I work at was so dead because everyone was watching the game. But, for those of us who had to work, I must say it was quite an exciting moment when the giants turned the game around at the end of the 4th quarter. I'm not a huge football fan, but I can enjoy a good game like today's.
Although, the best part of the superbowl has to be the crazy commercials they show every year. Have you ever wondered how much money companies spend to advertise during that prime television spot? It is absolutely ridiculous, mind you, they are still spending a lot more than normal for the production of the commercials as well. Oh well, I guess they are entertaining nonetheless. :)

yeah i agree i like exciting games when there is a turn around. yeah whats with those crazy commercials lol. i don't think its worth it to advertise on tv i mean everyone just mutes the tv when it is on ads no one pays attention to them lol.

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dammit! i was going for the dallas cowboys even though i don't even live in the USA ( i live in Australia). i like rugby type sports and thats why i like us football. and the dallas cowboys are cool and have won the 4th most championships so yeah. the new york giants are a good team though and they did deserve the win.

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