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A Certain American Idol Help me

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Okay, about three years ago, MAYBE four but I'm pretty sure three, I picked up a magazine. It was one of those like People, OK!, inTouch. One of those types of magazines. There was a cover story, and two smaller stories on the side. On the side was this pretty blonde girl who was on American Idol, I don't think she won but she liked it and said she was "looking forward to going back next year" or something in the article. She looked like AJ from those two blonde girl musicians Aly & AJ. Her hair was a dyed blonde also. Also, her face was very delicate.Anyway in the article it was her saying stuff about her childhood. She was apparently abused, her mom used to hit her in her mouth all the time and punched her in the face she said. Something like that. Her history went SOMETHING like she lived with her parents, she went to live with her mom while her dad went to jail? SOMETHING like that. Then she went to American Idol or did something for a coyple years, her mom disappeared or something and her dad got let out of jail and she is in contact with him and the mom is still gone, or something like that. I know the girl's name was something with a "C" or a "K", short, like "Carrie" or SOMETHING. I don't think she was Carrie Underwood or Kelly Clarkson though, maybe but I don't think so. The article was like this when you opened up the magazine: The page on the left was all writing, then the page on the right was a picture of her pretty face blown up. Then when you turned the right page was more writing. I am pretty sure that's what it was. Also in the article I THINK she had some siblings but I don't know, and there was a subtitle called "Violence at Home". It also had something about she said to her mom when she was living with her, something like: "I wish God would take me away from you", then something like she wished she could die or something. Then the mom was like "here, do it then" or SOMETHING, and put a knife in front of her. When she was a kid. And it did a lot of emotional scarring she said? Also there was a time when she was performing and she was wearing a red tank top with black pants, I think it was outdoors but I don't know. That picture was in the article, I think her hair was up. There was also a picture of her laughing on the stage of American Idol with a bunch of other finalists/auditioners or something.Well, that is everything I remember. Thank you for reading, if you know who I'm posting about PLEASE tell me. Thanks, take care.

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