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Creating Clones Via Time Travel A theory involving time machines

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I am assuming the time travel properties established by Michael J. Fox in the Back To the Future movies. The main point of this is that if you travel to a different time, and you and your double meet, the universe does not implode. It also assumes that when you time travel, you are not the only you in the whole time-space continuum, and that there is a possibility to meet your double. It is different from the other theories that once you time travel, you won't find yourself in that reality as you were, so if you went back in time to see yourself as a baby, the baby you wouldn't be there since the adult time traveling you is already occupying the universe.So if you had the ability to time travel in the past and met your double, what would stop you from yanking your double into time traveling with you? The two of you would only need to go back a few minutes, and the two of you could meet your third double. You could snag them and then repeat the process, assuming there was room in the time machine. I'm not sure if the Delorean was a four seater or not.Through this process, you could create an army of yourself, all with nearly the same memories, dreams, ambitions, loves and dislikes. Think of the possibilities. Besides like Michael Keaton in Multiplicity, where all of you would take turns living as one person and doing chores and going to work, other applications exist as well. You could create an army of you. The flaw exists that since personality changes depending on environment, the doubles could start to become more unique. This could lead to a rogue double who doesn't believe in what you have built, and wants to be the only you in existence. The other problem is, that if one double commits a crime, another double could take the fall. Also, if you have a significant other, you're going to have a heck of a time figuring out a way to share them.What are your thoughts? Is this probable? If you could create doubles of yourself via time travel, would you? How much would you risk?

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LOL... that is a great theory. I've never thought about cloning via Back To the Future style.


I'm not sure I'd want an army of me. Like you said, it would get confusing and we would all have to share my (our) significant other. It'd be like some variation of polygamy. (odd) I don't think I'd have the guts to risk it. Though, that would be a good way to test the "nature or nurture" argument that's been around for ages. If it was really you as a baby and then put your baby self with another family and see how you turn out. Or if you really wanted kids but had no spouse or significant other, you could go back and grab yourself as a baby and raise yourself! You'd get a taste of what your parents had to go through. :)

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It is different from the other theories that once you time travel, you won't find yourself in that reality as you were, so if you went back in time to see yourself as a baby, the baby you wouldn't be there since the adult time traveling you is already occupying the universe.

So if you had the ability to time travel in the past and met your double, what would stop you from yanking your double into time traveling with you? The two of you would only need to go back a few minutes, and the two of you could meet your third double. You could snag them and then repeat the process, assuming there was room in the time machine. I'm not sure if the Delorean was a four seater or not.

Through this process, you could create an army of yourself, all with nearly the same memories, dreams, ambitions, loves and dislikes. Think of the possibilities. Besides like Michael Keaton in Multiplicity, where all of you would take turns living as one person and doing chores and going to work, other applications exist as well. You could create an army of you. The flaw exists that since personality changes depending on environment, the doubles could start to become more unique. This could lead to a rogue double who doesn't believe in what you have built, and wants to be the only you in existence. The other problem is, that if one double commits a crime, another double could take the fall. Also, if you have a significant other, you're going to have a heck of a time figuring out a way to share them.

What are your thoughts? Is this probable?

Hmmn... lessee... considering that we also assume:

...the time travel properties established by Michael J. Fox in the Back To the Future movies. The main point of this is that if you travel to a different time, and you and your double meet, the universe does not implode. It also assumes that when you time travel, you are not the only you in the whole time-space continuum, and that there is a possibility to meet your double.

...then yes. It is quite probable.

If you could create doubles of yourself via time travel, would you? How much would you risk?

Ah, now this is a much more interesting question. The ideas presented regarding one-man, multiple-copies team/group/army is quite good, really. However, I do remember posing the question myself to another friend of mine: If you could go back in time, would you "make out" with yourself? Obviously, the question is completely irrelevant to heterosexuals :P

Ah, yes. I know, quite sick really, still, it gives a whole new angle to loving yourself, huh?

Anyway, it also calls to mind a certain webcomic concerning clones from a bleak future returning to the present.

Seriously speaking, though, I think creating an army of yourself is gonna create problems. You'd have to remember that these very people have the same drives, the same goals and the same ambitions. While it is good for teamwork, it's also the very idea of communism. Now, I don't want to insinuate anything about communism but my point is that an army of yous is not likely to succeed if you believe in the need for a leader or a centralized command. If you think you're fit to be a leader, chances are, your clones think the same too.

On the other hand, if you're waiting for someone to take the reins, chances are, so are your clones and you'll end up waiting for something to happen, which is not, I believe, part of the formula for world domination. In my humble opinion, chances are quite slim that anyone could successfully build, sustain and forward an army of one's self :)

Two is a manageable number, though. I'm looking forward to meet my future self. Or my past self, whichever. Yeah, I know, I'm sick :)

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