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My View On Life

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I just wrote this in the past hour. It was really important to me because I finally found writing. No rules or restrictions. Just me expressing. You probably won't be able to understand most of this since its just me rambling about whatever came into my mind. But it is truly how I feel. No editing.
Judge, ask, do whatever you want. I don't care.
(I hope the language filter works, sorry if it dosnt)

Lifeshow yourself you damn coward
why does it change and make everything so damn confusing?
I have the power to think about many concepts but understand none.
Why do we live? why did we evolve? What is the purpose of thinking. All it brings is unhappiness. The animals have it right. Just be. No worrying about futures. Just live in the moment.
We are so much worse than animals, yet our society insists we are so much superior.
We dont even qualify ourselves as animals
That is the source of all our problems
Our sense of superiority leads to all our corruption and unhappiness

Life always hides around the corner.
Never revealing itself.
You never see it because you are always in it.
There are no shortcuts
No cheats
Just go and deal with whatever happens.
Now, that’s what makes it so confusing
it tempts you with the glory of itself and makes you try to find that glory
most people never get near it
either get stuck trying for the glory
or get so caught up in getting to the glory that they lose sight of the glory altogether
Life is a god damn paradox
No, let me rethink this
Our society and our thinking makes life a paradox
If we could just be
If we could only cope with each other
but no
we had to evolve and mess everything up
our society is so messed up and will only get worse
Why did this all have to happen?
Why do the evil people who control society exist?
Why are they made just to walk over everyone else for their benefit
This is why I don’t believe in this God fellow
If he exists as people say he does, he would never let this happen
If he does exist, *BLEEP* him

So what do i do?
Do i become the system and drop everything i believe or do i get ruined by it?
One solution is to become the system just long enough to break away and never be wit it again
but the system makes that nearly impossible
this is why we are *BLEEP*ed
this is why almost no one is happy
we get beaten down by the very society we enforce
it just takes one corrupted person in control to walk over everyone else
they never pass up the oppertunity

god damnit there it is again
this sense that i see what life is but cant understand it at all
this sense that life is so complicated
this sense that i want to drop everything im doing and do what makes me happy
just jump over the system all together and enjoy myself
now im making myself sound like a selfish bastard
thats not how i see it though
I dont want other people to suffer
I want other people to have what i want, too
and yet i know that because we are humans, this will never work
we cant *BLEEP* the system, because without the system, there would be nothing to enjoy
this is the paradox i was talking about

but does this matter at all?
the answer i have right now is that it does not matter if it matters or not
we are here
we cant change that
the very fact that we can think it matters makes it not matter at all
it is a pointless question to explore
but yet, you cannot avoid it
and there the paradox is again

What im doing right now is so pointless
it is yet another hoop the system has you jump through before you reach “success”
Success is in quotes because it is only an imaginary concept made up by the system that makes the system better

I think that is the purpose of life
find your own success and reach it
do not let anyone change your success
get it from what you feel
find what will make you happy and never let go
please someone do this
break the system
no, dont break it
be an exception to it

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Brother, I think you sound like a Libra in a bad mood:) I checked your profile aparently you're a virgo, so perhaps, because you were born close to the virgo/libra cusp that's why I got that impression.I'm a Taurus but I've listened to a lot of angry Libras, who tick themselves off more by analyzing EVERYTHING PAST the point of action! That's not to say that virgo's are not analytical, they are, but they are usually set in their ways, and like to stay in one place with their thinking, unlike libras who fluctuate and adapt, and strive for change. But this work is really great despite all that.However, the upside to this is the way demonstrate you have the ability pick at everything from MANY different perspectives, in one sit down. It was great to read, and I know what you meant:)

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