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How Much Do You Know About Dennis Kucinich?

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How much do you know about Dennis Kucinich?Are you a fan?or do you think he's a Nutjob?Personally I think he's one of the best allies of the little guy, that we have in congress. If had to choose who I want for president it would be in this order:KucinichEdwardsObamaRon PaulHuckabeeMitt Romney (and I'm even Mormon, but I don't like him, he's just really proud and full of himself)Satan aka GW BushHillary Clinton (As much as I despise republicans, I'd rather have a republican than Hillary Clinton.ALSO -- WHAT issues do you think are most important?My top issues:1. Get OUT of Iraq.2. Universal Single Payer Healthcare for ALL Americans.3. Get Big Money, and Corporations out of the Election Process.4. Get rid of government bloat, and make each state more empowered.5. Media Reform, to go along with election Reform - - I think each personwho wants to run, should be able to regardless of how much money, I thinkthe media outlets shold be required to give FREE ads eqally to all candidates.6. Major education reform, and paid Education through College.etc.....Let me know your opinions :)

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Kucinich is just way too radical to be realistic, even though I really like his social policy. Right now, my favorite candidate is probably Hillary as much as I hate to say it. I liked Obama for a long time but he simply doesn't have the foreign policy experience. Hillary, after being first lady for eight years has had great deal of experiences in other countries, unlike Bush who had never left North America in his entire life when he entered office.Ron Paul is someone who my brother supports a great deal, but I don't neccessarily support self liberty to the same extents. Paul, who is a strict constitutionalist, bases the majority of his belief on self freedom, which in many instances can be dangerous philosophy. A perfect example is gun control, which Paul apposes, because he relies on the stance of the constitution. The right to bear arms was intended to allow US citizens to overthrow tyranny, and something like this is ludacris in 2008. While there is little statistical evidence that gun control effects crime rates, it doesn't make sense to say we need them to overthrow tyranny.

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