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Christmas What does it mean to you?

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hello! friends what does Christmas mean to you ?

Just Celebrations ? and Cakes ? or something even more . I will let you Know what Christmas really mean to me. According to me Christmas is the Birth of Christ and according to me In this Christmas Christ must be born in our Heart.

Where was actually Christ born 2000 years ago?

We all know that Christ was born in a Manger. He could have very well born in a Big Royal Palace . But think for a While why in a Cattle shed ? Its all because the cattle shed symbolize the Dirty place , the stinking place .But since Christ was born in that place , the place was honored and made worthy.

In the same way Our heart may be filled with Dirty aspirations and Our life may be stinking but still If you invite Christ to your Heart he is ready to be born in your Heart and make it Worthy and clean .

Now what do you get if Christ is Born in your heart ?

In the Bible we clearly read that when Christ was Born the three wise men did not bring three kings to Jesus. Each brought a different gift to Jesus, one brought a myrrh (expensive perfume). Another brought gold, and the last brought frankincense ( also a perfume)

So our life too will be filled with Precious things if we let Christ Born in our hearts,

Christmas is all about LOVE..

God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son (John 3:16)

Lets all Make a small prayer this Christmas ,

Lord, let my family be knit together with cords of love that nothing else would ever matter. Especially, keep us at a safe distance from all peer pressure that would seek to propel us to extravagant expectations. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year 2008 !

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no, i don't think Christ was born 2007 years ago, because who knows? Our history has been manipulated by important people such as high ranking Roman commanders, Emporers. But what you said is true, no matter how bad a person is as long he believes (not like *bah', but like Ned Flanders belief) and is baptized shall be saved. No matter how filthy, dirty, etc your heart is as long as you invite Jesus Christ into it, it will be clean and be washed with the blood of the lamb.Praise The Lord!Anyway, I don't celebrate Christmas (XMAS) that much. I don't put up a $200 christmas tree, or sing christmas carols, but it does symbolize a sign of freedom and hope because (according to records and belief) Jesus Christ was born on that day. And yes, christmas is a time of love-diddly-ove,

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no, i don't think Christ was born 2007 years ago, because who knows? Our history has been manipulated by important people such as high ranking Roman commanders, Emporers. But what you said is true, no matter how bad a person is as long he believes (not like *bah', but like Ned Flanders belief) and is baptized shall be saved. No matter how filthy, dirty, etc your heart is as long as you invite Jesus Christ into it, it will be clean and be washed with the blood of the lamb.

Praise The Lord!

Anyway, I don't celebrate Christmas (XMAS) that much. I don't put up a $200 christmas tree, or sing christmas carols, but it does symbolize a sign of freedom and hope because (according to records and belief) Jesus Christ was born on that day. And yes, christmas is a time of love-diddly-ove,

1. Why we doubted that Jesus was born 2007 ago, if for 2000 people refered to date as how many years the event was before or after Christ birth.


2. Morever the Roman Empire was against christianity and many are killed . My ancenstors in Egypt was killed in millions and many cities were empted from their people by killing them. It was genoside with our time termonology.


3. St Mark breached in Egypt and become the first Pope of Alexandria. We have 117 Coptic Popes of Alexandria and we know when each of them has ordinated and when he has departured. THEN DO NOT TELL ME THAT ALL THESE IN DOUBT.


4. St Antony established the monstry system and these monstries has the old documents. First Printer Machine in Egypt was in one of these monsteries.


5. Christmas is Jesus Birthday. In past churches didn't celebrate the birth of saints but their departure. First Churches didn't celebrate Christmas that much but the Easter . That because without Easter is no christianity.


6. But nowday people celebrate birthday [in middle East countries they don't celebrate birthday but now they immitate the West and celebrate children's birthday] . Even recently I saw in Australia they celebrate the birthday for zoo animals. SO WE HAVE TO CELEBERATE JESUS BIRTHDAY AS WELL.


7. Celebration is not necessary by Christmas trees or carol. But with any sign of pleasure. Christmas Tree started as tradition where the European and the American using it as decoration for their celeberation and symbol for pleasure. Christmas tree are the only green tree inEurope in the snow time. In middle East where Jesus was born people don't use christmas tree but few now use it as moderation and immitation for Europe.

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