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Mizo Indigenous Sports

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There is a happy little place in the north-east India, a state called Mizoram, where i hail from. We call ourselves Mizo(s), Christianized by British missionaries in the late 1800s. Let me introduce you to two of my favorite indigenous games we play here.

Inbuan ťThe most popular game of the Mizos is Inbuan, a spectacular traditional sport. Though its origin is unclear, it is believed that it originated among the "Fanai" tribe.

It is not a group sport. It involves only two people where each one tries to get both feet of their opponent off the ground. Although strength and a well-built body are important, skill is most essential. A person with a higher skill level can defeat even bigger and stronger opponents easily.

Inkawibah ť
This game is found only amongst the Mizos and is played with a kind of nut called "kawi". Played mostly by the girls, it can be played by a number of players at a time.

The number of kawis used has to be the same as the number of players. The players are usually divided into two groups where one group will play first. While one group places the "kawi" in an upright position, the players in the other group try to hit the kawi that has been placed. When they miss the kawi, it is the turn of the other group to play the game.

(taken from my own website at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/)

Notice from rvalkass:

Anything that is available elsewhere (even if it is yours originally) should be put in QUOTE tags.

Edited by rvalkass (see edit history)

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