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Glory Days 2 Game Review

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This game is the sequel of a little-known Game Boy Advance game named Super Army Wars. That the developers decided to do a sequel to something unknown is surprising. But it could also be one of the best decisions yet.

First, this game is a side-scrolling shooter. You play as the pilot of either a plane or helicopter, performing bombing runs and strafing enemy soldiers. Second, aside from being the pilot, you are also in command of the war. You decide what units to deploy, and when to launch special weapons available to you, like paratroopers and long-distance missiles.

If the micromanagement is too tough, fret not - the computer will help you in deploying troops. The battles take place on a 2D map, from the side view. The top DS screen shows your unit and is where you look most of the time, while the bottom screen tells you what is happening on the frontline. While the combination of shooter and strategy may sound like a mess, it tied together into a very engaging game - as you work on providing air support, your fellow tanks and infantry run along the battlefield, taking over bunkers and moving towards the enemy.

The story is told through well-written letters from soldiers to their loved ones, complete with the tussle of emotions you'd feel in a war - from the fear of dying to missing home. If only the campaign was longer - 16 missions could take just a few hours to finish if you're really good. You could, of course, set up skirmishes against the computer or against up to seven other friends. But that is about all the replayability you're going to get.

Though its predecessor may have been low profile, Glory Days 2 is one of the major sleeper hits for the DS that is definitely worth a try, especially if you are craving for shooting and strategy melded into one.

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