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How To Set Up A Bookmarking System On Wii Use your favorite social bookmarking site.

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This is a simple tutorial on a way to set up a bookmarking system on your Wii with greater stroage than the Favorites. It is more complicated than the Favorites and requires manual URL typing. Well let's dive on in.


Items Required

Nintendo Wii

Internet Channel

3 Empty Favorites

Internet Connection

An account on a social bookmarking site

I will be using delicious as an example.



Ok, if you do not have an account, read on. If you do have an account, go to the {account} section.


Ok, first you need to register an account. This can be done by clicking on the register link on delicious. Enter in the required fields and follow the steps. When it is discussing the broswer buttons click yes. When it shows you the links to the buttons simply click continue. Now you should be emailed. Check your email and verify your account.


Ok, when you verify you will be given an address that will take you to your bookmarks. Remember that.




Ok, let's set up our system.


First, go to delicious and log in. Be sure to check remember me. Ok after you log in, add delicious to your favorites. Move it to the third favorites spot.


Next, click the button at the top that says Post. When you get to that screen, add it to Favorites. Rename the link to "Add Favorite" or something similar. Then move that link to the first spot in Favorites.


Next, we need a screen to show our favorites. Click on the button that says my bookmarks. When you get to that page, add it to favorites and rename it to "My Favorites" or something similar. Put that into the second favorites slot. You can also just go to the link given to you after you verified your account.


You now have a simple bookmarking system set up on your Wii favorites. Simply click on the "Add Favorite" link to add a link and click on the "My Favorites" link to view them. Congratulations!

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