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Making More Money With Adsense

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I have been stepping in getting money with adsense small by small.You won't make money with google fast.That's my own experience again.

Google wants a slice of your traffic and they're willing to pay big bucks!For those who have been complaining of high traffic and low sales, there's simple no better way to cash in on those hard-eaned visitors to your web pages.Adsense makes it so easy!
There's no complicated software to install, no need to scout for affiliate, nothing to buy and no need to even have a merchant account.So...
Why isn't everybody doing this? More importantle, why isn't everybody making the most of it?
It's "Hidden Money"
"Seeing is believing", they say.Most webmasterlove to obsessively track their visitors, earning and TR's several times a day.They love to see what's there, but they often miss what can be.
Adsense doesn't give you ultimate control over which ads are served how the ads are rotated or what each click is worth. That's a good thing, because it's hands-free income. (It does give you some control though)
But many webmasters still think that once you've stuck the Adsense code on your page, there's little you can do except wait and watch.
Nothing could be further fom the thruth!
Google gives you a great deal of control over ads, and especially their visual or graphic elements.By tweaking these element to your advantage, you could easily - in as little as a few minutes - multiply your click-throughs many, many times over!

The only key to earn money with adsense is TRAFFIC.That is my advice, You want to make money get traffic.When you generate traffic don't forget to read google TOS before because if you use automated traffic generator like autosurf you won't be able to see your money that you will get banned.I know many people getting banned by using autosurf and themself clicking there ads.

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I know many people getting banned by using autosurf and themself clicking there ads.

And I know many people making big money by clicking there own ads.
One needs to be intelligent and alert to do this. First try to find out how google determines that a particular click is genuine or not.
If you answer this then you will yourself find out the way to click own ads.

But it is always better not to cheat anyone. not even google. :)

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I thought that this would be a tutorial type thing. I have adsense but nobody ever clicks them. This is probably because I don't get any traffic at all but can you give some examples of tweaks to make?

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I thought that this would be a tutorial type thing. I have adsense but nobody ever clicks them. This is probably because I don't get any traffic at all but can you give some examples of tweaks to make?

Read this

I am not asking you to try this... but this is just one of those ways (or tweaks as you call 'em)

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