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Transfer Ipod Music Without A Pc

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Imagine if you will, you have an iPod. That wasn’t too hard now was it? Now imagine if your friend has one too and has some music you really want. The problem is you’ll have to take your iPod to their PC connect it and transfer files onto your iPod. What potentially could go wrong is if you end up syncing it to that PC by mistake, you’ll lose all your data. Now imagine you’re hiking though the hills and are nowhere next to a PC, particularly your friends PC.


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A company called miShare has developed a tool for just such quandaries. It's small enough to fit in your pocket and is equipped with two Apple iPod ports at either end. The iPods simply need to be hooked up to the said ports and files can be transferred between the two devices. In order to begin the transfer process the center buttons need to be pressed. The miShare runs on a Linux platform and it offers a choice between images, movies or music to be transferred.


It has its own power source through an internal battery that can be charged with an AC adapter. The price nor release date has not been disclosed yet, however it is expected to be out sometime in December.

Notice from rvalkass:

Anything you copy needs to be in Quote tags.

Copied from http://tech.firstpost.com/india/news/general/trut-a-pc/22583/0


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Is it really worth buying this product?I can't see myself using it that often. When I opened this thread I thought that this would be something you had found.I'm sure other people would buy though.

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Great product. I can imagine a lot of coding has gone into this device.I would definately buy this device if I had 3-4 Ipods in my family or friend circle. But alas, IPods are still scarse in India. (Neither do I have one). But later on when you finally sinc it with yuor PC/Mac, wouldn't it take off the new files from the ipod??

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