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My Complicated Love Story

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so here the thing i am a pretty crazy 13 year old girl, and heres were it begins, last year me and my frend met this guy when we went to this art camp and he asked me out, it was liek love at first sight.. almost. so we didnt really do anyhitng coz were were dumb 6 graders. and so i broke up wiht him coz i was too stupid, i didnt no it was so serious to him. he was devastated absolutly heartbroken. he said to me he cried myself to sleep for 2 weeks. i ignored it it was year 6 who cares. naturally he got really angry at me.so its year 7 now and he attends a art school near were i live and goes tot he same school as one of my former guy frends, earlier this year my guy frend had a party and we were all invited, i met up wiht him again, liek i said he was really angry at me, still havnt forgotten wat i did. when is aw him again after all this time, i fell in love again, but he didnt feel the same way he was so cold to me. but then i talked to him on msn and he fell in lvoe again we went out for about a week and then he broke up wiht me. i was so F***ed up, so i had a really depressed period were i cried all the time. term 2 started and one night i was tlaking to him and his best frend on msn wen they were sleeping over together, he asked to get back together and i was liek yes! then he didnt talk to me for about a week and i got pissed off. so then is tarted tlaking to his friend and soon enough he asked me out, we went out for about a month then he found out, he was th eone who wanted me back now, he was the one who got depressed and sad, u was so depressed he got a deoderant bottle and sprayed on part off his skin until it burned and there r still the scars till this day. so naturally i was still in lvoe wiht him so afdter about 2 more months i broke up wiht his frend and we got back together. we have been together for 7 months or since then. as he puts it the real time now. i was so happy.but now things are falling apart, i cannot lose him, i can;t take it, recently on a saturaday at a frends party we went together and that was wen it changede he didnt talk to me much fully barred me and my best frend told me it was about somin i did that upsert them, well i sorta lied about bringing drinks when someone told me not to i so said bring them anyway so they got sort of angry. but no i havnt talked to him for 5 days, and there is this other girl who really lieks him and hinting things. its really too much for me at the moment, my frends sister jsut died aswell in this coogee accident it was allover the news and radio.please help me, give me ur advice, i really really love him, and i dont want to losoe him because i will be so screwed up if i do.

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