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Mermaid711's Super Awsome Government Idea

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Well, after being disapointed of Above The Rest's government idea, even though he DID put up a decent argument for a 14 year old :) anyways, here is my idea for a government.I don't exactly have a name for it, so it frees the mind of the thinker who wants to come up with something. =]]It is based off of capitilism, but it isn't entirely capitilism (which for those of you who don't know, that means that it isn't fascism).The first aspect of this government is. . . well. . . the type of government. It is much like the government of America, only not so full of liberal socialists yahoos *cough* Nancy Paloci and Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama*cough*. There will be three branches, judicial, legistative, and executive. However, the power and government will not be so focused in one area but GENERALLY over through out the area. There will be a leader, I am not going to give specific terms because they DO mean different things. I guess you could call him the president. . . ANYWAYS. . . He or She will have the final say in things, however, they are required to get the corect information to make decisions before they make some totally biased decision.We will START at a diplomatic approach to wars, however, if the country does not accept our diplomatic approach, we will go to war, depending on the circumstance. We are not the Frogs (wow that was so politically incorrect :D) we do not run when there is a war.We will stand by our allies. We will not allie our country with any random country, we have to know their moral values and things like that.Avarage people will be allowed to vote to decide wether or not we should go into a war when and only when it is decidable. They will not be able to decide how the military should spend its budget. The reason for this is, I don't want some diplomat hippy pants making important decisions about something they don't support. The government will get to vote, and as stated before, we will then have the president's say.Laws should star RELITIVLY close to the same way. . . not entirely. . . but close. . .**************The second aspect of our government is the way of life of our people. Welfare benifits will be reserved primarily for the old and the disabled, then secondly for the low income and the recently layed off. There will be a time limit to how long you can stay on welfare, depending on your circumstance. You may choose the job of your choice, colleges will vary in order to meet everyone's intrest.Housing will not be provided by the government, unless you are of the circumstance stated above. Sorry, it's not fair to the good tax payers of this country for you to be a lazy bum just sapping up all the tax money, when you are not contributing to society. And if there is a plot of land that you want to build your house on or someone is already there, you can negotiate with the person who is there, or if they say no/ you can't afford the land then your just *BLEEP*. . . errrrrrr I mean stuff out of luck. Sorry buddy, that's life.Unless you qualify for welfare, all food items will be bought with your OWN money. Uncle sam ain't paying for your beef stew, son, this is why it is so important to get a job.Our community members will have a free lifestyle, with a FREE (yes, mermaid finally agreed to government funded items) school eduction, much like Texas's education system. These will be funded by the tax spent at stores, along with some property tax.Roads will be payed for mainly on spendeture tax. We will try to keep income tax as low as possible. But what is left over from the income tax will fund wellfare and government/millitary spendeture.****************Drugs will be illegal, smoking tobacco will not, and niether will drinking, but it will be highly frouned uppon.Possesion of prescription drugs without a record or proof of prescription is highly illegal. Doctors are required to document when there is a prescription issued.****************You're not Paris Hilton. Drink Drive, GO TO JAIL! You will have your license revoked 30 days on first offense, 90 days on second offence, and a year on third offence. You wil not be able to buy any alcohol of anysort unless it is isopropal (rubbing alcohol) for 30 days.*****************There will be border patroll. Heavy border patroll. but we WILL keep things realistic. *****************Abortions are legal, BUT there will be heavy recosidering to do before you get one. What I mean is, the mother will be forced to learn about the abortion process, she will have to view her fetus ect. . . .*****************Capital punishment is and WILL be used in the community. If you murder someone, well, you will either be forced to serve life in a jail or capital punishment.We will also use chinese water tourture. . . amd believe me, I know, it DOES work. . . There are no physical side efects, but there are HEAVY mental side effects.*****************Well, that's my view of how things should be. . . let me know how you see things, or what your view of my awsome capitilistic view is.

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Sorry, could not keep away a smile while reading this. Of course, great job and effort, but let's be realistic. First of all, capitAlism is not a system of government, but rather an economic system and it has nothing to do, or not to do with facism. It's like comparing a green tree and a red crocodile (please, do not ask me, where did that come from - I'm not sure myself). So, what is capitalism? Capitalism is a market form of economy, its largest difference from communism and socialism is that there is almost no government interference in setting prices. People are free to do anything they want with their money as long as it does not contradict the laws. In this system the only force driving people to expand the economy is the desire for self-well-being, rather than a desire to help a neighbour, or a kid on the street that you do not even know. But it all works out eventually through a bunch of complicated formulas and graphs. This was proposed by Adam Smith in his Inquiry on causes of the wealth of nations (or just Wealth of Nations for short (yes, they did actually even rop the definite article. Lame.)) in 1776. He also devised many rules for economic systems, and proposed the four-stage theories of society evolution. His major proposition was the laissez-fare (please excuse my poor french, I never learned it) idea of very limited governmental intervention into the society - it should leave people do everything except for the things people do not want to do as they will not get profit from it (like providing navy, army, building roads, finding new dangerous trade routes, and funding education and the police force). People have a false impression of economics being a science of how to get wealthy, which it is not. It is actually a lot like sociology or psychology, but with a lot more empirical data put into it. All economics is about is making choices: All people have unlimited wants, but limited (scarce) natural resources (factors of production - land, labour, capital, enterpreneurship). E. G. You cannot go to college forever to get 10 degrees in psychlogy, physics, chemistry, astronomy, biology, math, teaching, etc. You have to make the choice. Kinda bad of an example, but you get my point. Facism, on the other hand, is indeed a political system. Every facist government in the history of mankind was militaristic - Germany under Hitler, Argentina under Pinochet, and others. All it is is just the opposite of anarchy. If an anarchy is a state of nature in which every single human being is doing anything he or she wants without being bound by social and moral laws - in facist envioronment you would encounter quite the opposite - people in the strong central government will always be trying to make things happen their own way, deciding for everybody and telling them what to do. All you have brought here are just specifi cases and your opinions on the controversial issues in our society like abortions and drunk driving. When talking about the "ideal government" you need to be more general. If you have interest - I could explain you the ideas of John Locke and Thomas Hobbes - the 18 century philosophes that designed two opposite systems of government. If you blend the wo in a certain proportion - you will get something that is like some existing form of government with its rules and customs. Again, do not go to the extremes, they are never good. Unless it is extreme happyness :)

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If, from what I gather (correct me if I'm wrong), the president has the final say in everything, what do you need any form of government? He or she will make decisions based on advice (s)he receives from the advisors... Without some form of parliamentary organisation that would have the power to make decisions, that's just totalitarism... Ellections lose any meaning... You go, vote, and then your representative just sits there, and looks nice... And gets a big fat paycheck...Capitalism, by it's construction (and if we look at it as a main direction of a certain government), doesn't focus much on wellfare and social aspects of the community... Corporations and rich folk can pass any law, as they see fit... Money does wonders...In my oppinion, capitalism is a less evolved step, in some aspects, than say social-democracy... In capitalism, every person looks only after them self, and does nothing to improve or upgrade the big picture, which in this case would be the community...Government needs to have some say in the economy, in a way to protect the little man, not the big man... Free market is of course the thing to do, but with some governmental corrections...In my oppinion, a government should focus most on education, social equiality, healthcare, and wellfare... All that is paid out of income tax... If you have educated, and satisfied people, your country would be much better, more prosperous, and a true leader... If you disregard wellfare, you have a bunch of unsattisfied people, and you have a problem, right there, in your home...Abortions... If you MAKE someone do something, and they did nothing to justify sanctions, you are jeopardizing their basic human rights... And that's a bad thing to do as a government... Under what excuse would you force a mother, who for example, can't take care of her baby? She doesn't have enough financial resources, she must work, etc... What gives you the right, as the government, to decide for her? It is her own free will to have an abortion, and live with it until she is alive, is it not?And, when you say war, with whom do you want to go to war with? With anyone that doesn't think like you do? With anyone that opposes your view of the things? Sorry my dear, but that bordesr dangerousely with fascism... I am active in politics, so I do know what I'm talking about... I understand that you base your new government of the US model... But what makes you so certain that your country, with that government, would be the police force of the world, that you will have the capacity, and the strength, to go to war with other countries? What if there was someone stronger, who would police you? What then? And what about international diplomacy? What's your stand on that? Need I remind that the US government has disregarded UN security Counsel decsions several times... You're not looking at the good model... try looking at the Scandinavian countries, like Sweden, Norway, etc... They are not capitalist, and they have the best social and wellfare programs in the world.. And the highest life standard... Why wouldn't I give 10% of my income every month, so that someone can benefit from it... Isn't that what it's all about... Being a good person, and help others?

Edited by Galahad (see edit history)

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As I read your post, I realized that you are describing our current system with only a few differences. Right now, only the President decides to go to war, the people have no say. Welfare is almost impossible to get and it already has time limits. The hippy liberals passed welfare reform under hippy clinton. Only single unemployed parents can get on welfare if they can prove that they have been trying but can't get a job. If your dad loses his job and can't find another one fast, you won't get help from the govt. Starve.I fail to see why the govt. should pay for roads and education, but not healthcare. roads are less important than health. an education is less important than health. And why have a military? can't americans buy guns to fight against enemy invaders? I'm saying some of this tongue-in-cheek. It just seems odd and arbitrary how we decide that the govt. should pay for pot holes in the roads or whatever, but not pay other things. Most americans don't pay federal taxes. it's refunded to them. they do pay state, local, property, and social security taxes, but not federal, so the argument that taxpayers get stuck paying for things should be amended to say 'rich people' pay for things. If you're not rich, why complain? I don't cry for the rich. I hope to join them, and I'll be happy to pay taxes to help people when they need it most.

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You know what I think Mermaid wants to have dictatorship with a side of Communism here :D, thank god she is not running for President or the whole world would go to war against us or we have a Civil War II on that kind of thinking. However, there are so many flaws with your idea of a government that I don't even know where to begin. Either way the above posts really help destroy your idea of a government Mermaid, maybe if you brought this idea to China or Cuba maybe they will listen.

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