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The Decline Of The Western Civilization! A view of the future...

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I also see this happening. There isn't really much differing between different places and places aren't really that unique...


There are lots of bad things happening in today's society.


Not good. :P

I don't think that society as a whole will be destroyed, but it is faltering

People will pick fights and troll everywhere just for the thrill, the hang of it.


my cousin came up to me while i was playing and is like, "maplestory is so gay. why are you playing these little anime figures when you could be playing WoW?"

........i didnt say anything, so i was like, "shut up!"

therefore, i wanna make a thread where we can post reasons why maplestory is a lot better than WoW.

ill start.

-its better cause theres more lvls to go up to.

- random kid


because it doesnt look like a game for losers w/ ugly characters

because its free and no monthly charge


and thats all i can think of now :P


I mean I just got PM'd on a forum and I was called an atheist jew. (lol paradox)


Does anyone else see the problem with that? What are your favorite community moments?


I believe that

life as a whole, the internet community is a backbone of what the reason the real world will become soon someday and if this phenomenon will continue to happen then we will see the real life community become bitter trolls!

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Lol we are doomed and people don't really do anything about it =/...

"I was having an argument with a friend of mine a few days ago on the fact that all the Western civilizations are on a slow, but steady decline. Not necessary economical decline, but a far more important and with far greater consequences cultural and moral decay which in time will inevitable lead to the downfall of the Western hegemony.I strongly believe in this theory. I consider its outcome not a question of if, but a question of when. You may call me a pessimist, you may think I see only the part of the glass that is empty, but we all see the signs. I believe the Western civilizations are at or have passed the peak of their development. Remember that after the shining Roman Empire came the Dark Ages... History is known to repeat itself.
The signs are, in my opinion, easy to see. Global warming and the end of the fossil fuels will destroy the financial foundations of the West. The economies based on a great industry will be the first to go down. The increasingly bigger disasters caused by global warming won't help either.
But far more important is the moral decay of the West. Everyday I see on the news children shooting their deskmates, teachers or parents. We are all part of the "eat crap, get fat" cult (myself a McDonald's & KFC junky, although not fat at all) and more and more the giant multinational corporations control every part of our life, with the New World Order becoming an ever greater threat. The capitalistic world promotes all the wrong virtues it's masterpiece being the great money chase. The fast development of this world makes us loose our identities. The psychologists say that someone that does not remember it's "roots" is easily manipulated. And that is what TV does best...
Todays world no longer has the values it was built on. That is why it's decline is predictable and ultimately inevitable. It's just like a train going too fast... it will inevitably derail.
This is my grim view of the times to come. How do you see the future of the world? "

I also strongly belive in this theory and I just think we won't do anything to stop Global Warming and those stuff.
which is why i always take stock of survival techniques i could learn, since there may come a time (who knows, it could be in our lifetimes!) when a total collapse of human civilization will occur, and it will become a dog-eat-dog world (not that it ain't already wink.gif) and the survival of the fittest is every living man's credo, every man on his own. makes me wish there is an entire world where one can migrate to, if push comes to shove and the only way to survive is to leave earth. perhaps it is now more than ever that a hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy is needed (don't forget your towels, people!). wink.gif or maybe a set of kryptonian crystals which embodies all the knowledge of the entire civilizations of the human race, so that when humans decide to self-destruct, every knowledge will still be available for the remaining survivors to recreate our world and our way of life (minus the pitfalls which can lead to another extinction-level scenario).
and if there were DNA strands in our genetic chain for human values such as greed and envy (which i'd say are man's main achilles' heel), then we should splice them out of our DNAs to help future generations persist in this world. could be the only way human life can project itself unscathed throughout time.
Even tought that kinda made sense you sounded crazy O.o...

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I agree with you but I think that western civilization is too small of a group and you should include our entire human population as it is all in decline. The thing is that the more we develop rationally, the less our fundamental inner wisdom goes away and we start to think that this life that we live is really everything there is - only we and our own life! When we develop, we make new things, we produce incredible things and innovation is the key to everything, but how come there are more suicides, how come that people are less happy than they were in the past. OK, I admit, our lives are easier in the sense of material satisfaction, but why do we need all this? Marketing makes us want stuff that we don't need and it offers us constant innovations so that we never stop thinking about new things - that only ads gas to our fire of desires which are endless! Why not extinguish this fire of desires? Imagine how good we would feel if there wouldn't be a new desire every second! You get a peace of bread and you are thankful, without any further desires!? That is harder than ever in our modern world and this is one of the reasons our whole earth-population is in decline...BUT it is all a circle - when we have nothing to eat, we want more of course as we want to survive - then comes the era when we have enough food, but nothing else that would distract our mind so we can only eat when we eat, sleep when we sleep and consequentially be happy! But there are a few who are not satisfied with that sort of situation and want more and more and more - they have desires! And these desires bring us to constant development and innovations - you wait a few years and rational human is able to create cars, space ships and all sorts of unnecessary crap that is marked as amazing progress?! But as you guys have noticed, this does not bring us any more happiness - it makes us miserable and we also destroyed the earth...So we start to decline - we destroy ourselves so to speak - things get tougher and tougher and eventually only a few people survive! Guess what they don't have any food and then comes the era when we have enough food, but nothing else that would distract out mind so we only eat when we eat, sleep when we sleep and are happy consequentially! But there are a few.... - I think you know how it goes on!OK, that's the way life goes! But what can we do with OUR lives? Well that is the most important questions and my suggestion is to sit when you sit, sleep when you sleep and eat when you eat - the desire will pass away and what will be left to make you miserable??? :lol:

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