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Starcraft Whats you view?

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one of the best RTS of all time.all species were actually different and their strategies......nice 2d graphics....good game play.....there are thousands of strategies you can apply..still famous and being upgraded.. i cant want anything more :)

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Not a huge fan of Starcraft after i found out its actually based on Warhammer 40k. Going back on how Blizzard was form and how they got the inspiration on creating these games, i would rather play the original than the "modified".

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I've been playing starcraft on and off for about four years now, and one of things that amazes me is the balance of the three races, i know what the original author said, about zerg terran and protoss, but really the micro, and macro management are equally important to all races, they just change roles depending on the situations. Another great thing about the starcraft maps is the availabity of the maps pro players and leagues use. These maps have been scrutinized for imbalances that would suggest a races superiority and make sure to change them. After all is said and done though, my favorite part of the game are the "pimpest plays", the top ten micro intense moves of every year for about 5 years. These include 1 marine beating a lurker a terran walling a protoss plyer OUT of his own base, and an astonishing amount of gameplay innovations created by pros such as Nada, Boxer, Yellow, and July. :P

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