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I know this is probably really simple to do, but how do i make the text reflect. like the Trap 17 does on the header of the forum. it kinda looks like its reflecting of water, and i want to play around with this for the logo of my forum/site.

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Well there are several methods to do this type of reflection the quickest method is done in just a few steps, since its simple enough images won't be required but I will provide a few links to several tutorials for how it should look like.

1. Duplicate the text layer
2. Go to edit then transform and then select flipped vertical.
3. Then right click on the copied text layer and select rasterize (it turns text into an image)
4. Now this were the different methods come inti play but I found this one better, you grab your square marquee tool and set the feather at 10px. Then place your square marquee tool over the bottom half and then press delete, and then put the opacity between 20-25% and your done.

It is also good to mention that this works best with dark gradient backgrounds and if you going for the glass button look it works well there as well.

Tutorials with images


Edited by Saint_Michael (see edit history)

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