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Make A Movie How to make a fun movie

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You want to be a Hollywood director? Sitting at home on a day off? Want to do something fun with the kids? Make a movie!


What you need to think about:

Why do you want to make it?

Who do you have to be in it/make it? Have you got sufficient participants?

What facilities do you have to edit it?

How long should it be?

Have you got a camera?

Once you have answers to these questions that satisfy you, you can start work on a story. It is usually a good idea to create characters around the people you have to act in it. Got a tall 20 something student and a similarly aged female? Make a romance! Work with the people. If you don't want to try anything too big, you can get a free script off the internet. Freedrama.com is a good resource.


Choose a good location. The back garden? Your street? The local park? Try and match something to what's in the script.


Film the scenes in the order that is right for you. If it is raining in the park, and you have a scene in your house that is also needed, don't hesitate to film the house scene first.


Be patient. Don't rush. This isn't the theatre. Don't get too annoyed with your actors, and if you are, don't show it. They will just get annoyed too.


Once you have finished shooting, upload it to your computer. Use the best editing program available. I recommend Ulead video studio. It is affordable, and covers all the needs you will have. Don't take up too much screen time. Keep it brief. Find free music off the internet. Match it as a soundtrack to your film. Once you've finished editing, burn it as a DVD to share. Upload it to youtube if you want. Above all, enjoy it. If you aren't, you are not doing it right. Stop, and don't do it if you aren't enjoying it. The only reason you are doing it is for fun!

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