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Saint Michael's Nephew Born October 24th, 2007 At 5:42 Pm

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Congratulations dude!
Is the cookie monster gene a recessive trait in your family blood?


Is your nephew really your son, and you'll be the uncle and father of your nephew son? Or did someone from Sesame Street knock up your sister? :P

Simple answer would be no.

congrats bud!!! do you live close to your sister? hopefully you do so you can visit often. really nothing you can do when their born execpt to just look at them, make funny faces(that will scare them til they die) and make funny sounds to make them look at you funny B)
but at age 3+, that's when the fun begins as an uncle. i should know. i am one B) be creative with your role as an uncle. your sister will be doing the hard part raising this 2-3 year old tyrant while you get the best of seeing and semi raising your nephew when the time comes you ask to babysit. you can expose this kid to ALOT of stuff that the overly protective parents wont even consider.....but you can :D and the kid will grow up loving ya for it! B) and eventually your nephew will come to
YOU if he has a problem.....because you are the "cool" uncle that understand him.

also, watch close because these kids grow up faster than you know it. at first, they can't grow up fast enough.....but THEN they grow WAY too fast so you really need to watch and keep up B) i know he isn't your kid, but it really is fun watching a child grow up....at least for me it was. such a reqarding experience!

congrats again and to your sister and husband(if she's married)

p.s.- don't agree to change any diapers if they ask you to babysit. that should be a stipulation in babysitting hahahaa

I got a 5 year old niece who is more EVIL then I, If no one keeps an eye on her she gets into a lot of trouble.

Congratulations! I bet you're busy infusing the newest member of the family with your good charms :D
It's really something when you hold a newborn in your arms and I bet you're excited to do so. Just remember to teach him sports and he'll be fine.

Yep got to hold him today, did take some photos of me holding him, but my sister didn't hold the camera steady :P

I will be teaching him the Evil ways of a spammer :D.

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