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Designs I Have Made In The Graphics Design Course I Am Taking 56k Warning

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Well I thought I post up the work I have done so far in the computer graphics course I am taking right now in school, warning though that these are original sizes 7'x9', yes you read that right 7 inches x 9 inches. Right now you will see the large stuff posted here in thumbnails and hte not so large stuff in its original size.


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I had some other works, if you remember my Ivy Wallpaper I did some modifications to that, basically I made it darker and added text to it so there not much to see on that. From the grades I have been recieving fro mthe graphics teacher I guess I am doing doing some good stuff, and so I want to see what you all think and stuff.



Imagefilez crunch them down enough so thumbnails wouldn't be neccessary, however it might still take some time to download depending on your connection.

Edited by Saint_Michael (see edit history)

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Nice! You're clearly competent with a variety of the tools in Photoshop.I think I like your first one best, though if I were going to be nitpicky, I'd say that I'd have preferred the gradient of the reflection layer to be more gradual and/or softer, as it's distracting me from the text. Oh, and Pros shouldn't have an apostrophe, it's propoganda spread by greengrocers and high-street music shops (*cough* CD's?!? *cough*). Now that's nitpicky... :)Again, great work.

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