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Totally Brand New Social Networking? Video Sharing + Instant Messengers + Search + Profiles + Database of I

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Well, i come to start and think again that what if Video Sharing sites like Youtube, Google Videos, Eyespot, MetaCafe, More At DV Guru being combined with many other services like Wiki Technology - includes Wikipedia and many other Wikis powered either by individuals or companies or organizations, they all are impressive innovations (wikipedia is definitely the most nominable) and Powerful Search - like Google, ChaCha(Quite impressive, ChaCha, they implemented instant messenging with search to engage a partner who is paid a salary to help to search for 'anonymous surfers') and Profiling Networks like Facebook, Myspace and many other services like Social Bookmarking sites - Delicious, StumbleUpon and Reddit! Though there are many more services like Bulletin Board Systems and Yahoo Ask and Answers, i am not obliged to speak any further except to proceed to explaining what my idea is all about. (To save time, if you wish, i will put a list right below and let you consider whatever mashup you may wanna build)


This technologies all combined together could come to form a kind of new browser perhaps which instant messenging includes Cha Cha search which allows you to engage with a 'paid searcher' to help you search super relevant results. However, to add in to this catch, Google comes in and provides the ultimate search experience for the seachers to search whatever you really want as computers can never understand the human brains except human to human. Continuously, wiki technologies also come in like SearchMash to show the definition of something in case a searcher or a paid searcher doesn't get the definition of something - sometimes, we read tutorials, we don't get the definition of a word, and we get stucked, here is when wiki technology comes in and explain it all in quickie within the new browser which is carefully positioned in a corner. Erm, i forgot social bookmarking where users trust users and where they can also dig further. By the way, profiling sites like myspace helps to show a person's interest and their popularity, defining the trustworthiness of his submitted content, like links and blogposts or digg results.


Hmmm, i forgot Digg (folksonomy or taxonmy, whatever you call that) seems to rock if you want news right at your doorstep, not to mention a place where wiki merges with such services Digg provides to form a technology so powerful where one can easily read news with definition of words and Rss Technology combined, to form a database of content with rated content by users (where they once again get voted by profiling situations) and content is further defined as how reliable. Wiki technology also allows one to review archives where many contents are kept! Furthermore, Rss technology will enable wiki technology to be powered without much manpower! Manpower were always meant to edit only (lawl...)


Well, let's continue to discuss what would be the next.


Further continued if wanted.. (either you or me would do so!)

Edited by OneMinute (see edit history)

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AOL has already tried with its newest browser... I forgot what it's called.It implements four windows, which each hold features for instant messaging, browsing, e-mail, and something else... I can't remember.It's a nice jump, since we all hate having to switch between instant messaging clients, browser windows, and whatnot. We like things that work with each other under one program.Good idea... but on the scale that you imagine it to be, not possible. Everyone is trying to be the bigger and better dotcom, business, entity. Rarely if ever an idea hell-bent for the consumer experience will bring two giants together to merge into one service to better serve the people.The wonders of capitalism. :P

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This is why i started with 'what if' as this is not so definite if it would be possible for one such technology to be built under our modern era, in another words, the 21st Century. Secondly, i feel that this is very possible under the hands of Larry Page and Sergey Brin, along with Team Google, full of engineering and technological experts. Seriously, they can do anything out of the impossible as their workforce though medium-sized, are fully-filled brim with talents on computer sciences.


One more thing, i have read a book called 'Cities in Civilisation', not that sure what it is, until i rummage through my bookshelves of books at home. It showed that technology is growing super fast, in which, perhaps once in every five years, moore of intel or dell, had a law that the company technology will constantly be further developed. This is a fine example.


Links: Moore's Law; Google Talent

Edited by OneMinute (see edit history)

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"Idea is just a combination of already known techniques". I read somewhere that and i like it. But if you want deveop idea you need to have big money, or big brain. Learn and study, and work of course, and you idea can live to see a sunrise. Other than that, it is just an idea that goes in one big pile of ideas from people that don't have anything else to do than think of new ideas, and then wonder why anyone didn't make it already.

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No one has made ideas that evolve just by a combination of ideas, as it is just by fact that they are afraid of failure alone or some other possible reasons like manpower, financial resources, etc. Well, this idea is afterall just for the community to debate over. The most recent idea of mine was to power communities with RSS feeds where people can chat on news that are generated by bots that retrieve data from RSS feeds all over the web.

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No one has made ideas that evolve just by a combination of ideas,

are you quite sure about that?! i mean, look at all the new things on the web, and just name me one that is original! i'll buy you a case of beer, or juice.. if u suceed :P

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